The End Of Money 'As our world shakes and reels from the shock waves of the current financial crisis; there are still those who believe naively that what is now occurring is part of some cyclical 'ebb and flow' in the evolution of the worlds financial markets, which will in time, begin to recover and once again, the good times will return. I have some bad news for those 'optimists'! There will be no recovery. What is happening now is as David Icke has written at length, part of a grand strategy to create a New World Order, a 'One World State' with a World Government, World Army, World Bank, World Currency, World Religion and a vastly reduced population of micro chipped slaves. Money as we know it will soon cease to exist. In it's place will be 'Electronic Money', initially utilised via 'Biometric ID Cards' being introduced at the moment in the UK and elsewhere, which in turn will be replaced by 'Personal Microchips' replete with RFID technology. This 'progress' will be sold to the public on the basis of being to everyone's advantage. Never again will our children be vulnerable to 'capture and abuse' for we will know where they are at all times (as will the State for the rest of their lives) and our 'money' will be 'un-stealable' (except by the State).'
Saturday, 14 March 2009
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Britannia Radio