Amstetten's social services did not ignore the expanding Fritzl family on the upper floors of the stolid grey house on Ybbsstrasse. On the contrary, they visited 21 times, but never reported any anxieties about the "upstairs" children or a father who later told his court-appointed psychiatrist that he was "born to rape". Why not? Three times fires broke out at the house, possibly caused by faults in the electrical wiring to the cellar. Three times an inspector called but did not properly investigate. Why not? Never in her daughter's quarter-century incarceration eleven steps below her living room did Fritzl's wife, Rosemarie, question his explanation for her absence. Nor have police questioned Rosemarie since his arrest even though Elisabeth is known to despise her. Why not? LEADERThe Times These are Britain's two nations. Not those born abroad and those born here, not black or white, rich or poor, men or women, North or South, public or private sector, writes Alice Thomson. But those who belong to the world of work and those who are alienated from it, living off the taxes from other people's earnings. Nearly eight million people of working age in Britain have been "economically inactive" for the past few years. More than 2.5 million of them are on incapacity benefit - of these 2,130 people are too "fat" to work; 1,100 can't work because they have trouble getting to sleep; 4,000 get headaches; 380 are confined to the sofa by haemorrhoids; 3,000 are kept at home by gout; and half a million are too depressed to get a job. ALICE THOMSONThe Times Just as visitors to the Middle East see half-built, mostly abandoned concrete housing blocks and barracks littering the landscape of Syria and Jordan, so the towers of Dubai will become casualties not of human greed but of architectural folly, writes Simon Jenkins. Their lifts and services, expensive to maintain, will collapse. Their colossal facades will shed glass. Sand will drift round their trunkless legs. Animals will inhabit their basements. Thousands of residential properties, if occupied at all, will be squatted by a migratory poor, like the hotel towers of the Spanish littoral or Corbusier's blockhouses of Chandigarh in India. Refugees will colonise the camps where Indian workers have lived as they built Dubai. Gangs will seize the gated estates and random anarchy will rule the soulless boulevards. SIMON JENKINSThe Guardian A recent study in The Journal of Law, Economics and Organisation found that one of the biggest single factors in reducing corruption in a country is "the free circulation of daily newspapers per person." Go to any country,writes Johann Hari, and you'll find that the lower the newspaper circulation, the higher the corruption. If nobody's watching, anything goes. The best plan to save the newspaper has come from French President Nicolas Sarkozy. He has launched a programme where every French citizen, on her 18th birthday, will be given a year's free subscription to a newspaper of her choice. The effects are subtle. Many young readers will develop a newspaper habit. In turn, newspapers will compete harder to capture this lucrative guaranteed market, and make their product accessible and fresh. JOHANN HARIThe Independentestions after Fritzl
Full article: Jozef Fritzl: Austria must examine itself The people who simply won't work
Full article: Two nations: those who work, those who won't Dubai will crumble
Full article: As they did Ozymandias, the dunes will reclaim the soaring folly of Dubai Save the newspaper
Full article: How we can save newspapers
Friday, 20 March 2009
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Britannia Radio