Tuesday, 31 March 2009

 EU money payments! - Yorkshire Post Tue 31st Mar/09

A totally "informal" march upon Whitehall is now planned. It is suggested that once this G20 nonsense is out of the way that April 17th (a nice busy day, Friday!) EVERYONE marches into London to inform Mr Brown and all of the rest of them that their services are no longer required.
Meet at Cleopatra's Needle on the Embankment at Midday. Bring your own banners. Please forward this email!
A   P   R   I    L      1  7   t h     MARCH TO STOP THE GRAVY TRAIN !!!

EU money payments! - Yorkshire Post Tue 31st Mar/09
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:31:21 +0100

A good letter - and all true!
Scandal of European pay-offs

xxxxxxxxxx jcd

WE are in a deep recession the like of which most of us have never encountered before, and yet European Commissioners leaving office this year will receive more than £1m (and
up to £1.8m) in pension payments, transitional payments and resettlement allowances.

These unelected Brussels civil servants should be ashamed to take such large sums from European taxpayers. Even UK Commissioner Catherine Ashton, who has been in the job for under a year, having taken over from Lord Mandelson, will qualify for three years of transitional allowances, the value of which is more than £89,000 per annum.

The likely end of the opt-out from the EU's 48-hour working week could drive up costs to the UK economy from the present £3.9bn to as high as £11.9bn. No politicians mention this in case voters are reminded of how much the power to govern ourselves has been given away. It is horrifying to think what
the effect on our council tax might be.

Why are our justifiable concerns about the financial abuses in Europe so low on the list of priorities of our elected rulers? No business could survive, and nor would it deserve to, if so inadequately managed.