Friday, 27 March 2009

eu reform treaty

Germany: Developments In German Competition And Antitrust Law ...
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - London,UK
The central provision of the general prohibition against restrictive agreements and practices was extended to mirror Article 81 (1) of the EU Treaty...
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EU Patents mill grinds on
Science Business - London,England,UK
... the compatibility of the draft agreement with the EC Treaty. At the same time, outstanding issues around other components of the patent reform package, ...
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Czech risk to Lisbon treaty feared
Financial Times - London,England,UK
... of the European Union's reform treaty could be made more difficult by the fall of the Czech government and its knock-on effect for the EU presidency, ...
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Rehn: Balkans not to remain ‘black hole’
Blic - Belgrade,Serbia
‘Further EU enlargement must not become a victim of request by certain countries for a pause in that process due to current economic crisis and political ...
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JURIST - Paper Chase: Czech Republic PM resigns casting doubt on ...
[JURIST] Czech Republic Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek [official website; JURIST news archive] formally resigned Thursday, casting doubt on the future of the European Union (EUreform pact known as the Treaty of Lisbon [EU materials; ...
JURIST - Paper Chase -
Czech PM Topolanek formally resigns after vote | Euro News 24
Klaus is a fierce opponent of the European Union reform treaty, which Topolanek wants the Czech parliament to ratify. Allies in the past, Klaus quit as honorary chairman last year of Topolanek's conservative Civic Democratic Party in a ...
Euro News 24 - News -
1ST LEAD: Czech government falls during EU presidency |
By Jake 
The cabinet’s collapse threatens to undermine the EU presidency ending June 30 and hinder efforts to ratify bloc’s reform pact, the Lisbon Treaty. It is also likely to complicate the Czech Republic’s efforts to battle the economic slump ... -
Daniel1979 Blog: Jury Team Profile - Scott Craig
By Daniel1979 
Counties like Iceland and Norway should be made to join the EU. FALSE 6. Ireland was wrong to vote NO in their referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. FALSE 7. The main reason why people are against theEU in the UK is because the Tabloid media ... I passionately believe in financial reform. It’s clear we had a regulator asleep at the wheel in this country, coupled with banks that were happy to privatise profits but now want to nationalise their losses. An EU regulator with real ...
Daniel1979 Blog -