Freedom News Daily
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Today's Freedom News:
1) "Anti-drug" fiasco brewing at US-Mexico border
2) Treasury's "toxic asset" boondoggle could cost $1 trillion
3) Iraq: Eight killed, eight wounded
4) Obama, House at odds over AIG tax
5) Obama defends Geithner, budget
6) Soldiers: Army forced us to deploy despite health woes
7) Obama wants exit plan strategy in Afghanistan
8) CT: Bus tour visits AIG execs' homes
9) Chavez calls Obama "poor ignoramus"
10) NY: Teens could do 25 years for torturing, torching cat
11) Will deficits trim Obama's agenda?
12) Obama seeks increased government control of executive pay
13) Thousands demonstrate for quick end to war
14) Looking beyond grades and scores
15) US space tourist buys $35 million return ticket to orbit
16) US troop withdrawal through Turkey may get PM's OK
17) Space shuttle moves to avoid chunk of space junk
18) UK: Thousands getting terror training
19) UK: Mom given ticket for reviving son
20) UK: Rent day for retailers piles on pressure
21) AZ: Judge tosses case against Phoenix gun shop owner
22) NC: Bill to extend concealed carry sidetracked
23) EFF urges court to require warrant for cell phone info
24) China: Censors nab website staff for erotic audiobooks
25) FL: Burglar shot and killed
26) TX: Clerk trades gunfire with robbers
27) Cardinal to Obama: End immigration raids
28) AK: Palin faces mounting legal bills over ethics complaints
29) Tibet: Chinese occupation thugs abduct monks after protest
30) US Navy vessels collide near Iran
Today's Freedom Commentary:
31) The American empire: A finale
32) Enemies of what state?
33) Protect and serve ... who?
34) "Just submit ... you can protest later"
35) What if?
36) Means and ends and the classical liberal ethic
37) Looking back to gain perspective
38) William Jess Higgs
39) Sullivan's boom-and-bust travels
40) When is an assault weapon not an assault weapon?
41) We love to be led
42) A government of men, not laws
43) Things have been worse
44) Obama should remember the American tradition of thinking big
45) Reviving cars and newspapers
46) Obama on Leno: Nero, zero or hero?
47) Free State Project
48) A free and prosperous commonwealth
49) From the trenches of the drug war: A street cop's perspective
50) Selective taxation is tyranny
51) Crocodile tears over AIG
52) Herbert W. Obama
53) Iran: A way forward
54) An alternative to "guns at work" laws
55) Launching lifeboats
56) The emperor has no clothes
57) On the edge of the volcano
58) The shoulders I stand on
59) Obama Special Olympics cartoon
60) Abandoning the rule of law
61) You will be stimulated!
62) In which we discover that "constitutional" is not a synonym for
"good idea"
63) Terror begins at home
64) Why do conservatives hate your children?
65) Interview: Eric Garris, part 2
Today's Freedom Audio and Video:
66) Cato Daily Podcast, 03/24/09
67) QandO Podcast, 03/22/09
68) Free Talk Live, 03/21/09
69) Freedomain Radio #1309
70) John B. Taylor on
Today's Movement News & Events:
71) Today's events
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1) "Anti-drug" fiasco brewing at US-Mexico border
"President Obama is finalizing plans to move federal agents, equipment
and other resources to the border with Mexico to support Mexican
President Felipe Calderon's campaign against violent drug cartels,
according to U.S. security officials. In Obama's first major domestic
security initiative, administration officials are expected to announce
as early as this week a crackdown on the supply of weapons and cash
moving from the United States into Mexico that helps sustain that
country's narco-traffickers, officials said." (03/22/09)
http://www.msnbc. 29822470/
2) Treasury's "toxic asset" boondoggle could cost $1 trillion
Baton Rouge Advocate
"The Obama administration' s latest attempt to tackle the banking
crisis and get loans flowing to families and businesses will create a
new government entity, the Public-Private Investment Program, to help
purchase as much as $1 trillion in toxic assets on banks' books. The
new effort, to be unveiled Monday, will be followed the next day with
release of the administration' s broad framework for overhauling the
financial system to ensure that the current crisis -- the worst in
seven decades -- is not repeated." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dm3v6r
3) Iraq: Eight killed, eight wounded
"At least eight Iraqis were killed and eight more were wounded in
attacks across the country. No Coalition deaths were reported, but two
American soldiers were injured during a bombing in Fallujah. ... Four
Iraqi soldiers were killed in a bomb blast in Khanaqin. In Mosul, a
roadside bomb blast killed a civilian and wounded a child. ... A
dumped body belonging to a guard was discovered. The body of an Iraqi
soldier was found in Qayara. ... U.S. forces in Baquba killed a man
they said showed 'hostile intent.'" (03/22/09)
http://www.antiwar. com/updates/ ?articleid= 14441
4) Obama, House at odds over AIG tax
ABC News
"The Obama administration gave its strongest indication yet today that
the president opposes a tax to get the AIG bonuses back. Jared
Bernstein, the vice president's economic adviser, used strong wording
in an interview on ABC's 'This Week With George Stephanopoulos' to
signal that President Obama does not support the 90 percent tax on AIG
passed by the House." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dcagns
5) Obama defends Geithner, budget
Agence France-Presse
"US President Barack Obama, in an interview to be aired Sunday, threw
his weight behind his embattled treasury secretary, saying Timothy
Geithner would not be allowed to resign. Should Geithner offer his
resignation, Obama told CBS he would turn down that offer and respond:
'Sorry buddy, you've still got the job,' according to interview
excerpts released Saturday. Geithner has been under fire for his
handling of the economic crisis and a political scandal over massive
bonuses paid out by insurance giant American International Group,
which has received bailout money funded by taxpayers." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/ccadnw
6) Soldiers: Army forced us to deploy despite health woes
USA Today
"When the 'Arctic Warriors' Stryker Brigade left for Iraq from nearby
Fort Wainwright late last year, commanders told soldiers who were
suffering medical problems that they would also go to war. Spc. Mark
Oldham was on a plane to Iraq by Dec. 5 despite being declared unfit
because he passes out during training and requires a 30-day heart-
monitor exam, his medical records show." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dgeda4
7) Obama wants exit plan strategy in Afghanistan
"A comprehensive strategy in Afghanistan -- including an exit plan --
is key to America's 'No. 1 mission' of preventing an attack on the
U.S., its interests or its allies, President Barack Obama said in an
interview broadcast Sunday. 'What we can't do is think that just a
military approach in Afghanistan is going to be able to solve our
problems,' the president said on CBS' '60 Minutes.'" (03/22/09)
http://www.msnbc. 29828155/
8) CT: Bus tour visits AIG execs' homes
Arizona Republic
"A busload of activists representing working- and middle-class
families paid visits Saturday to the lavish homes of American
International Group executives to protest the tens of millions of
dollars in bonuses awarded by the struggling insurance company after
it received a massive federal bailout. About 40 protesters sought to
urge AIG executives who received a portion of the $165 million in
bonuses to do more to help families. 'We think $165 million could be
used in a more appropriate way to keep people in their homes, create
more jobs and healthcare,' said Emeline Bravo-Blackport, a gardener.
She marveled at AIG executive James Haas' colonial house, which has
views of a golf course and the Long Island Sound." [editor's note: So,
Ms. Bravo-Blackport chooses to spend her money on vanity bus tours,
but "AIG executives" should give up their fairway views to fund her
preferred causes? - TLK] (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/c65vlr
9) Chavez calls Obama "poor ignoramus"
"Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday his U.S. counterpart
Barack Obama was at best an 'ignoramus' for saying the socialist
leader exported terrorism and obstructed progress in Latin America.
'He goes and accuses me of exporting terrorism: the least I can say is
that he's a poor ignoramus; he should read and study a little to
understand reality,' said Chavez, who heads a group of left-wing Latin
American leaders opposed to the U.S. influence in the region. Chavez
said Obama's comments had made him change his mind about sending a new
ambassador to Washington, after he withdrew the previous envoy in a
dispute last year with the Bush administration in which he also
expelled the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela." [editor's note: So if
you're still keeping score, this means an actual socialist is calling
someone often accused of being one "ignorant" ... stay tuned! - SAT]
http://www.reuters. com/article/ topNews/idUSTRE5 2L19G20090322
10) NY: Teens could do 25 years for torturing, torching cat
Fox News
"Two teenagers could spend 25 years in prison for allegedly torturing
and killing a cat they set on fire when they broke into an apartment
in New York City. Angelo Monderoy, 18, and Matthew Cooper, 17,
allegedly broke into a vacant apartment in Brooklyn, N.Y., on or
around Oct. 7, 2008. Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes
said the pair held the cat down as they poured charcoal lighter fluid
on it. Hynes said they then set the animal on fire, causing deep
wounds and fourth-degree burns. The blaze also damaged the building,
which has other units that are occupied. The cat was found outside,
unable to move and crying but still alive, the district attorney said.
It was euthanized at a local animal hospital." [editor's note: One
only hopes they both get cat-loving brutal sodomists for cellmates;
this kind of senseless behavior should be a capital crime, IMO - SAT]
http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,510063, 00.html
11) Will deficits trim Obama's agenda?
Christian Science Monitor
"Democrats had hoped to launch the budget debate on Capitol Hill this
week with a focus on their priorities: cleaner energy, healthcare
reform, and education. Instead, they're embroiled in a game-changing
debate with Republicans over whether government -- the White House,
Congress, the bureaucracy, even the Federal Reserve -- has what it
takes to manage the financial crisis. Between the AIG bonus debacle
and prospects for $1 trillion annual deficits into the next decade,
the likelihood is fading that President Obama's first budget will
survive with its key elements intact." [editor's note: For those of us
who have prayed that the "Obama agenda" would be derailed, this is
good news, indeed; merely replacing foreign imperialism and corporate
welfare with domestic giveaway programs is little or no improvement in
the long run - SAT] [additional editor's note: Oh, there's no
"replacement" going on here -- Obama's budget proposal includes
INCREASES in "defense" and other corporate welfare categories - TLK]
http://tinyurl. com/d6qgkl
12) Obama seeks increased government control of executive pay
New York Times
"The Obama administration will call for increased oversight [sic] of
executive pay at all banks and Wall Street firms as part of a sweeping
plan to overhaul financial regulation, government officials said. The
outlines of the plan are expected to be unveiled this week in
preparation for President Obama's first foreign summit meeting in
early April. Increasing oversight of executive pay has been under
consideration for some time, but the decision was made in recent days
as public fury over bonuses has spilled into the regulatory effort.
The officials said the administration was still debating the details
of its plan, parts of which could be put into effect by federal
regulators without congressional approval." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/ddlphd
13) Thousands demonstrate for quick end to war
Philadelphia Inquirer
"Before war protesters ended their demonstration yesterday, several
placed cardboard coffins in front of the offices of northern Virginia
defense contractors such as KBR Inc. and Lockheed Martin Corp., as
riot police stood by. 'Lockheed Martin, you can't hide, we charge you
with genocide!' they chanted as part of a demonstration that began in
Washington to mark the sixth anniversary of the invasion of
Iraq." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dn2zvf
14) Looking beyond grades and scores
Boston Globe
"The admissions team at Tufts University embraced the Yahtzee
enthusiast and budding engineer who built a wooden catapult in his
backyard and the straight-A teenager who described herself as a 'wise
old owl' whom her friends turn to for advice. Amherst College eagerly
admitted the son of a New York City cab driver, a Bangladeshi
immigrant who had flunked gym class but founded a newspaper dedicated
to economics. The school's admissions committee also delighted at the
math wiz from Queens who loses sleep when he's stumped by a problem
and lives for bowling nights in his mother's league. All the
successful applicants to Tufts and Amherst, two highly selective
liberal arts colleges, boast impressive academic credentials, but so
do most of their competitors. What they share is a spark that makes
them stand out from the crowd, whether through singular talents and
values, fierce determination in the face of hard circumstance, or
force of personality. " [editor's note: As a Tufts alumnus, I find this
encouraging; admissions choices based on overall interesting life
instead of solely on academic stats are long overdue - SAT] (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cf5r74
15) US space tourist buys $35 million return ticket to orbit
Houston Chronicle
"Recession or no, billionaire Charles Simonyi couldn't pass up another
shot at space, even if it meant shelling out $35 million more.
Besides, it may one of the last times the Russian government allows
tourists to hitch a ride to the international space station. 'It's now
or never,' said Simonyi, who has now spent $60 million for a couple of
space vacations. The first was $25 million." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cu6e53
16) US troop withdrawal through Turkey may get PM's OK
"Turkey's prime minister said Saturday he would be receptive to the
possibility of allowing American troops to withdraw from Iraq across
Turkish territory, if the United States asks for permission. 'With
regard to the exit of the American soldiers, we are positive on that
issue,' said Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking through an
interpreter. " (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cqa4sm
17) Space shuttle moves to avoid chunk of space junk
Aberdeen News
"Confronted with orbiting junk again, NASA ordered the astronauts
aboard the linked space station and shuttle Discovery to move out of
the way of a piece of debris Sunday. Discovery's pilots fired their
ship's thrusters to reorient the two spacecraft and thereby avoid a
small piece from a 10-year-old Chinese satellite rocket motor that was
due to pass uncomfortably close during Monday's planned
spacewalk." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cghryt
18) UK: Thousands getting terror training
BBC News [UK]
"Thousands of UK workers are being trained to help respond to a future
terror attack as part of an updated counter-terror strategy, ministers
say. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said shop and hotel workers would be
among 60,000 people able to deal with an incident. The updated
approach, aimed at tackling immediate terrorist threats and the causes
of extremism, would be the most comprehensive in the world, she
added." (03/22/09)
http://news. 2/hi/uk_news/ 7957431.stm
19) UK: Mom given ticket for reviving son
United Press International
"Disability activists say they're backing a British mother given a
$145 parking ticket when she stopped to revive her severely disabled
son. Penny Batkin, 40, was taking her son, Freddie, 4, to a hospice in
Hampton when he began gasping for breath and turning blue, said
Richmond Aid, a charity for people with disabilities. Batkin incurred
the ticket by illegally stopping her car on the pavement to
resuscitate him. To make matters worse, Batkin said, the Richmond
Council's parking office later refused to rescind the ticket even
after she explained what had happened." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/d9juwv
20) UK: Rent day for retailers piles on pressure
Independent [UK]
"Struggling retailers face a multimillion- pound rental payment on
Wednesday that could lead to a fresh wave of administrations in the
sector unless they are able to secure last-minute rescue deals. JJB
Sports, the ailing sportswear retailer, and Jessops, the debt-laden
camera retailer, both face a crucial week of discussions with their
banks. Other retailers under pressure include Allied Carpets, the
flooring specialist, and Robert Dyas, the hardware chain, though both
have defied gravity for several years, said restructuring experts. On
Wednesday, many sickly retailers have to fork out huge sums to pay
their rent for the next three months, despite facing a string of other
financial ailments." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/caodsf
21) AZ: Judge tosses case against Phoenix gun shop owner
Arizona Republic
"State prosecutors suffered a public setback in efforts to combat
border violence Wednesday when a judge dismissed high-profile charges
against a Phoenix gun dealer accused of arming Mexican cartels. The
case against George Iknadosian, owner of X-Caliber Guns, had been
covered on national TV broadcasts and in stories by the New York Times
and Wall Street Journal. But in mid-trial, all 21 counts were
dismissed by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Robert Gottsfield,
who decided he had found a flaw in the government's case." (03/18/09)
http://tinyurl. com/d4hhzl
22) NC: Bill to extend concealed carry sidetracked
"Gun supporters aiming to extend the right to carry concealed handguns
into restaurants and parks where they are now banned had their hopes
sidetracked. A measure to allow concealed-carry permit holders to
carry their gun while visiting city and county parks was postponed
Thursday in a House Judiciary committee. The sponsor also wanted to
include state parks. Supporters also want to carry guns when eating in
a restaurant that serves alcohol. A permit holder could lose that
right for having a gun where alcohol is sold. That bill was sent to a
subcommittee. Opponents said driving-while- impaired laws show people
still drink when they shouldn't, and mixing gun rights with alcohol
sales is a bad idea." (03/20/09)
http://www.witn. com/politics/ headlines/ 41554962. html
23) EFF urges court to require warrant for cell phone info
Electronic Frontier Foundation
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urged a U.S. appeals court
Monday to block the government's repeated attempts to seize cell phone
location information -- a record of where the cell phone user travels
throughout each day -- without a warrant in violation of
communications privacy statutes and the Constitution. In September of
last year, a federal court affirmed that location information stored
by a mobile phone provider is legally protected and that a judge can
and should require law enforcement to show probable cause in order to
access the stored data. However, the government appealed that decision
to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals." (03/17/09)
http://www.eff. org/press/ archives/ 2009/03/17- 0
24) China: Censors nab website staff for erotic audiobooks
The Register [UK]
"Four employees at one of China's largest online audiobook providers,, have been detained for 'spreading pornography and harming
the morals of young people,' Shanghai's municipal public security
bureau said yesterday. China Daily reports the company is claimed to
have recorded its own amorous fiction files by hiring young women to
read erotic novels. The website also encouraged users to upload home-
made oral pornography, and promised a taste of the profits,
authorities said. Shanghai porn-busters fingered over 17 'unsuitable'
audiobooks available on the website, which they say earned
more than 40,000 yuan ($5,860, £4,060) since it launched the service
early last year." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dgetcz
25) FL: Burglar shot and killed
Naples News
"Witnesses say a resident of 91 Willoughby Drive confronted a suspect
who was on his property shortly after 4 a.m. and shot him. The suspect
died, according to reports. The burglar did not enter the home. The
homeowner caught him exiting the family camper which was parked in the
driveway, according to a Collier County Sheriff's spokeswoman. The
burglary suspect then lunged at the homeowner and that's when the
owner shot the suspect." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cdt4jp
26) TX: Clerk trades gunfire with robbers
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
"Robbers used a shotgun Thursday evening to blast open the glass door
of a west-side retail store in west Fort Worth, but a clerk shot back,
police said. ... The two men wearing hooded sweatshirts breached to
glass door and entered the store. They pointed the shotgun and a
handgun at the clerk and demanded 'all the money,' Henderson said. But
the 38-year-old clerk, crouching behind a counter, grabbed his own gun
and fired several shots at the robbers, Henderson said. 'The two would-
be robbers fled the store as bullets flew past them,' Henderson
said." (03/20/09) telegram. com/metro_ news/story/ 1269842.html
27) Cardinal to Obama: End immigration raids
Chicago Tribune
"Cardinal Francis George on Saturday called on the Obama
administration to end Immigration raids across the country and pushed
for passage this year of 'comprehensive Immigration reform' that is
'fair and compassionate. ' 'Such reform would be a clear sign this
administration is truly about change,' George said before several
hundred people inside Our Lady of Mercy Church in Albany Park. The
prayer forum, organized by the Archdiocese of Chicago and several
religious and immigrant rights groups, took place amid a renewed
national push for federal Immigration reforms." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/cs3f93
28) AK: Palin faces mounting legal bills over ethics complaints
Anchorage Daily News
"Gov. Sarah Palin owes more than a half million dollars to an
Anchorage law firm that has defended her against ethics complaints,
and she may create a legal fund to pay the bill, she said Friday.
Legal bills have mounted fighting complaints that she called partisan,
false and frivolous, starting with 'the politically motivated
Troopergate probe,' Palin said in a written response to questions. She
said the legal bills all stem from her actions as
governor." (03/21/09)
http://www.adn. com/palin/ story/731157. html
29) Tibet: Chinese occupation thugs abduct monks after protest
Times Online [UK]
"Chinese police have detained nearly 100 people, mostly monks, after
an angry crowd besieged a police station to protest the disappearance
of a fellow lama, making the first major outburst of Tibetan unrest
since last year. ... This latest protest began when monks furious at
the detention and disappearance of one of their number poured out of
the 18th century Ragya monastery that overlooks the Yellow River and
surrounded the police station on Saturday, state media said. ... The
report said the crowd had been deceived by rumours concerning Tashi
Sangwu, who had been detained on suspicion of advocating Tibet
independence. " (03/22/09)
http://www.timesonl tol/news/ world/asia/ article5954977. ece
30) US Navy vessels collide near Iran
Guardian [UK]
"Two US navy vessels, including a nuclear-powered submarine, collided
in one of the Middle East's key oil routes today lightly injuring 15
sailors and causing oil prices to rise. The collision in the strait of
Hormuz, between Iran and the Arabian peninsula, occurred in darkness
when the submarine was submerged. The craft, the USS Hartford,
suffered no damage to its nuclear propulsion system, a spokesman for
the 5th Fleet said. The other craft, the amphibious USS New Orleans,
suffered a ruptured fuel tank, resulting in the spillage of 95,000
litres of diesel fuel. ... The accident comes six weeks after a
British nuclear submarine collided with a French vessel deep below the
surface of the Atlantic ocean." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dzhxhp
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Reported Civilian Deaths in Iraq: Min - 91,146 ... Max - 99,525
(source: www.iraqbodycount. org)
American Military Deaths in Iraq: 4,260
(source: www.antiwar. com/casualties/ )
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31) The American empire: A finale
by Justin Raimondo
"I am not cheered by the subject of my talk here today, which is the
decline and fall of the American empire, first, because I am an
American, and, second, because the description of America as an empire
fits it all too well. When you remember that the American Revolution
was fought against an imperial power, that U.S. was born in a struggle
against an occupying army, and that its victory against the British
was an inspiration to anti-imperialist liberals everywhere, it is a
shaming thing to have to come here to describe how it ended in
tragedy, betrayal, and a short and ugly decline." (speech given
03/21/09, text posted 03/23/09)
http://www.antiwar. com/justin/ ?articleid= 14442
32) Enemies of what state?
Center for a Stateless Society
by Kevin Carson
"There are all too many people in American politics whose real
concern, concealed behind all the 'free market' rhetoric, is not so
much 'statism' per se as statism that benefits the wrong class of
people. A good example: it was quite amusing to hear some Republicans,
during yesterday's Congressional hearings on the AIG bonuses, wringing
their hands over the prospect of 'interfering with the management of
private business' and 'altering the terms of contracts.' Last night
Rachel Maddow ran clips of some of the very same people, last
December, crowing about how they were forcing the UAW to renegotiate
its contract and accept lower wages in return for bailout loans to the
auto industry. ... if we are to have statism at all, and we are
reduced to quibbling between Democrats and Republicans over what kind
of statism it is to be, I make no secret of the fact that I prefer the
kind of statism that weighs less heavily on my own neck." (03/19/09)
http://c4ss. org/content/ 211
33) Protect and serve ... who?
Liberty For All
by Larken Rose
"All cops are tax collectors. Sometimes the taxes are disguised as
speeding tickets, fines for having expired registration, or other
tickets or fines, but the goal is almost always revenue for the state,
not safety or justice. Just about everyone has heard of ticket quotas.
Why would cops be pushed to get a certain number of tickets?
Revenue." (03/21/09)
http://www.libertyf ?p=2247
34) "Just submit ... you can protest later"
Las Vegas Review-Journal
by Vin Suprynowicz
"For the first 50 years of the life of this Republic -- when things
were pretty peaceful, from all reports -- America didn't even HAVE any
police forces as we know them today. When was the Constitution
amended, Former Officer Ron? When did they take the old part that says
we're to remain 'secure in our persons, houses papers, and effects,'
free from search and seizure unless a warrant is issued 'upon probable
cause supported by oath or affirmation ...' and add to it your new
section that reads 'Oh yeah, unless someone calling himself a
policeman decides to stop you and issue whatever arbitrary orders and
commands he can dream up, at which point you have to 'submit' or else
he can shoot you down like a dog?'" (03/22/09)
http://www.lvrj. com/opinion/ 41647882. html
35) What if?
Strike the Root
by Robert Klassen
"What if we're not looking into the portal of another Great
Depression, but we're looking into the abyss of another Dark Age
instead? ... Roman citizens who posed themselves a similar question
began leaving their center of civilization between the first and third
centuries A.D. Roman villas are still being discovered as far away as
Portugal and Britain. These were small and self-sufficient homes for
two dozen or more people who evidently had a cosmopolitan variety of
skills, including farming and husbandry, building, ceramics, stone
cutting, plumbing, baking, and brewing. They built their own civil
infrastructure far from official tax collectors and the bread and
circuses of urban centers. ... What if it's time to think like a
Roman?" (03/20/09)
http://www.strike- the-root. com/91/klassen/ klassen1. html
36) Means and ends and the classical liberal ethic
Classically Liberal
by CLS
"It is an obvious truth that much of life is a series of choices of
ends and means. Ends are the goals that we individually pursue. Means
are the methods by which we seek to accomplish our goals. Under
classical liberal theory it is the means that may be the proper
concern of the state and not the goals. It is the means that
potentially violate the rights of others not the goals. Goals
themselves have no ability to violate the life, liberty or property of
others. Not even clearly malevolent goals can do that -- such as the
desired death of someone that you hate." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/c68hl6
37) Looking back to gain perspective
Tibor's Space
by Tibor R. Machan
"As one who tasted both a bit of Nazism and Communism, today's
economic fiasco strikes me as relatively mild as human disasters go.
For starters many in America remember the Great Depression and the
Second World War, both of which had devastated millions of lives,
destroying the bulk and arresting even more. The concentration camps,
the gulags, the bombings and the wreckage left in their wake across
the globe simply aren't anything like what we are experiencing now,
economically, mostly, but not exclusively. And the fallout from the
loss of all the wealth is yet to be counted up. Yet, what we are in
the midst of and is likely to follow just doesn't compare to the
disasters and catastrophes people have known throughout and especially
fairly recent history. Perhaps Darfur comes close but even that isn't
quite in the league of Dachau, for example. And in some cases a goodly
portion of the world's population has actually witnessed drastic
improvements. It is a bit of that I'd like to recount
here." (03/21/09)
http://tibikem. com/blog/ cns!B2FD693F4B9A5746! 783.entry<http://tibikem. com/blog/ cns%21B2FD693F4B 9A5746%21783. entry>
38) William Jess Higgs
Liberty & Power
by Robert Higgs
"William Jess Higgs (always known as Jess) does not appear on
anybody's list of great men. Good thing, too, given the truth of Lord
Acton's declaration that 'great men are almost always bad men.' (A
statement whose truth, by the way, hinges on the assumption that
Acton's reference to 'great men' pertains to men who occupy positions
of great governmental power. Who can dispute that William Shakespeare
or J. S. Bach was a great man?) Jess never cast a shadow in the halls
of power, nor did he wish to do so. When I was growing up and got old
enough to think I knew something about politics and to express
opinions about politicians, he used to infuriate me by simply saying,
'They're all crooks.' I'd think, What does he know about it? Fifty
years later, I am inclined to think that he knew practically
everything he needed to know about politicians. " (03/21/09) blogs/entries/ 69817.html
39) Sullivan's boom-and-bust travels
LewRockwell. Com
by Anthony Gregory
"Before 1914, the establishment of the Federal Reserve, Hollywood was
an embryonic shell of what it soon became. Color movies were rare and
there were no talkies. We do not have much of a film industry during a
period of sound money to analyze. During the Great Depression of the
1930s, most smash hits were feel-good movies. Most of the dark and
serious films still provided escape from, rather than focus on,
depression-era life. Comedies were demanded by the market and American
needs, which is why Sullivan had done so well with them. 1939's
biggest movie by far was Gone With the Wind, the highest grossing film
ever, adjusted for inflation. Certainly no festive comedy, it
nevertheless provides escape and ends on a hopeful note: 'Tomorrow is
another day!'" (03/23/09)
http://www.lewrockw gregory182. html
40) When is an assault weapon not an assault weapon?
Dallas Libertarian Examiner
by Garry Reed
"Sometimes perceptive insight pokes its ugly snout where none was
intended, nor wanted. Perceptive insight, while presumptuously
attempted, seldom appears in the MSM (which by now almost everyone
knows is the trendy abbreviated way of saying 'mainstream media.')
Ever elusive, as opposed to illusive, insight happens in the MSM most
frequently when a news source presents what it thinks are two
completely dissimilar stories on the same front page or homepage or
newscast but are actually, unknowingly to them, the same
story." (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/coax9f
41) We love to be led
Orange County Register
by Alan Bock
"In 1796, George Washington made a fateful decision that did a great
deal to set this country on the road to being a genuinely free
republic with a relatively limited government. He decided not to run
for a third term as president. That precedent ensured that this
country would not have a chief executive who was the functional
equivalent of a king who served for life or until he was good and
ready to step down (it also probably helped that 'the father of his
country' did not have children of his own, so there was no temptation
to put his son and heir into the executive mansion.) Washington's
choice ratified and strengthened a decision consciously made during
the constitutional convention to have a chief executive to administer
laws made by Congress rather than a monarch with plenary
powers." [editor's note: And yet, when given the chance to keep a
"royal famiily" in power, the American electorate will readily attempt
to do so (cf. Adamses, Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons, ...) -
SAT] (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/clslkx
42) A government of men, not laws
In These Times
by David Sirota
"United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard likes to say that Washington
policymakers 'treat the people who take a shower after work much
differently than they treat the people who shower before they go to
work.' ... Following news that government-owned American International
Group (AIG) devoted $165 million of its $170 billion taxpayer bailout
to employee bonuses, the White House insisted nothing could be done to
halt the robbery. On ABC's Sunday chat show, Obama adviser Larry
Summers couched his passive-aggressive defense of AIG's thieves in the
saccharine argot of jurisprudence. 'We are a country of law -- there
are contracts (and) the government cannot just abrogate contracts,' he
said. The rhetoric echoed John Adams' two-century- old fairy tale about
an impartial 'government of laws, and not of men.' Only now, the
reassuring platitudes can't hide the uncomfortable truth." (03/20/09)
http://www.intheset article/4325/ a_government_ of_men_not_ laws/
43) Things have been worse
Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby
"'When the stock market crashed,' Joe Biden told Katie Couric in a CBS
interview last fall, 'Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and
didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's
what happened." Katie didn't embarrass her guest by pointing out that
there were no TV broadcasts when Wall Street crashed in 1929 and that
the president at the time was Herbert Hoover -- though she would
surely have pounced had Sarah Palin committed such a howler. Last week
the vice president brought up FDR again, asserting that President
Obama 'has inherited the most difficult first 100 days of any
president, I would argue, including Franklin Roosevelt.' ... Talking
points aside, does Biden's claim have merit? Is Obama faced with
grimmer, more formidable conditions than any incoming president has
ever known?" [editor's note: The answer, as the bemused Jacoby goes on
to affirm, is HELL, NO! He cites Lincoln, Truman ... and Reagan, just
for starters - SAT] (03/22/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dmbm5t
44) Obama should remember the American tradition of thinking big
Fox News Forum
by James Pinkerton
"No doubt President Obama believes that he is simply replicating
Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal of 70 years ago -- which most
Americans, then and now, have judged to be a success. But while Obama
might think of himself as another FDR, the differences between what
the 32nd President did, and what the 44th President is doing, are far
greater than the similarities. One of the great strengths of the New
Deal was that it was tangible. The Works Progress Administration,
Civilian Conservation Corps, Rural Electrification Administration, and
Tennessee Valley Authority were all controversial -- critics labeled
them costly boondoggles -- but they were specific. And tangible.
People could see them, and see their benefits." (03/22/09)
http://foxforum. blogs.foxnews. com/2009/ 03/22/pinkerton_ thinking_ big/
45) Reviving cars and newspapers
Christian Science Monitor
by staff
"What connects American cars and newspapers? Not much, a person might
think, except perhaps when a newspaper is flung onto a driveway from a
slow-moving Chevy. But even that's a fading event -- which is actually
what connects them. The fading. And also the need to innovate to
survive. Both autos and newspapers are foundational to the US. Detroit
feeds a multitude of suppliers and dealers, leaving a big economic
footprint. Newspapers do the digging upon which magazines, television,
and the Internet largely rely. As watchdogs, the print media have a
big civic paw print. They're both struggling financially. This is the
worst auto sales slump in the US in 27 years. General Motors and
Chrysler, fighting off bankruptcy, have so far received $17.4 billion
in government loans. They've requested more. Newspaper ad revenues are
down 23 percent in the past two years. Circulation continues to
drop." (03/23/09)
http://www.csmonito 0323/p08s01- comv.html
46) Obama on Leno: Nero, zero or hero?
The Nation
by Leslie Savan
"Oh, it's wonderful when conservatives and their media begin to tsk-
tsk over what's 'appropriate' behavior for President Obama. 'He flies
off to Los Angeles tonight to appear on the Jay Leno show,' Senator
John Kyl sniffed, as if Obama were running off to drown his troubles
at the local bar. 'He even has time to fill out his NCAA basketball
bracket,' Senator Lamar Alexander complained, making me wonder, Would
they disapprove if they found out that on occasion Obama takes a 20-
minute bath instead of a five-minute shower? But no one does pretend
puritanical as well as the New York Post, whose post-Tonight Show
front page is headlined: No Joke! O yuks it up on Leno as economy
burns." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/codwun
47) Free State Project
Liberty For All
by Kevin Tuma
Cartoon. (03/22/09)
http://www.libertyf ?p=2255
48) A free and prosperous commonwealth
Ludwig von Mises Institute
by John P. Cochran
"While much of the rhetoric defending and supporting the stimulus bill
has given the appearance that the 'Democrats are willing to bet the
entire US economy on a 1931 theory known as the Keynesian multiplier,'
the crisis has really given cover for a sweeping agenda to drastically
enhance and grow the role of government, especially the federal
government. Recessions come and go." (03/20/09)
http://mises. org/story/ 3373
49) From the trenches of the drug war: A street cop's perspective
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Howard J. Wooldridge
"The nine-year-old boy's eyes went as big as saucers, as my 40-caliber
Glock came into view and paused for a split second on his chest. Being
the fourth officer through the door of the townhouse meant the woman
and her three kids were already in a state of shock. We spent 30
minutes looking for the marijuana mentioned in the search warrant,
coming up empty. In retrospect, at least we had bothered to obtain a
warrant." (03/18/09)
http://www.fff. org/comment/ com0903g. asp
50) Selective taxation is tyranny
Freedom Politics
by David Boaz
"The House of Representatives has passed a 90 percent tax on the
bonuses paid to AIG employees, seemingly forgetting President Obama's
admonition 'that in a time of crisis, we cannot afford to govern out
of anger, or yield to the politics of the moment.' Everybody's angry.
But anger doesn't make good law. And there are real questions about
both the wisdom and the legality of such legislation. Bloggers like
Conor Clarke, Megan McArdle, and Eugene Volokh have asked if the bonus
tax is legal or constitutional. And thank goodness for bloggers who
ask the questions that members of Congress and print journalists seem
to ignore!" (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/d2obxk
51) Crocodile tears over AIG
Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman
"If politicians spill any more crocodile tears over AIG , the EPA
might have to declare Washington, D.C. a protected wetland. Sweep
aside the phony expressions of 'outrage' over AIG's government-
financed $165 million in bonuses (the information was in black and
white) and ask yourself this: Who supplied the money?" (03/20/09) articles/ goal-freedom- croc-tears/
52) Herbert W. Obama
by Hans Bader
"In the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover raised marginal tax
rates to 63%, and went on a deficit spending binge. He also signed the
Smoot-Hawley tariff, which helped turn a recession into the Great
Depression by triggering a trade war with other countries. Obama is on
the same path. His deficit-exploding $800 billion stimulus package
blocked 97 Mexican truckers from U.S. roads." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/d8w3dy
53) Iran: A way forward
Campaign For Liberty
by Philip Giraldi
"As the United States has gotten involved in two unnecessary wars in
Asia in the past eight years, neither of which is yet concluded, the
possibility that a third war might be initiated either inadvertently
or deliberately should be of concern to every American. If there is a
war it will be against Iran, partly due to genuine disagreements but
also derived from the efforts of powerful constituencies in the United
States to bring about such a conflict." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/dd3dpn
54) An alternative to "guns at work" laws
St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner
by Kurt Hoffman
"Frankly, although I consider myself a fairly hardcore gun rights
advocate, I am torn when it comes to this kind of law. I cannot easily
dismiss the argument that a property owner has the right to prohibit
pretty much anything on his or her property ... On the other hand,
some argue that fundamental human rights ... are always inviolate, and
that property owners cannot legitimately demand the surrender of such
rights, even on their own property. It's always a dilemma when rights
collide. It seems to me that there is a way around the dilemma,
though. Let property owners ban guns on their property, but in doing
so, they take on the responsibility for the protection of anyone
legitimately on that property." (03/20/09)
http://tinyurl. com/djej5w
55) Launching lifeboats
Information Clearinghouse
by Paul Craig Roberts
"I know of only two ways of financing the looming monster deficits.
One, courtesy of Pam Martens, is that the federal deficits could be
financed by further flight from equities and other investments. This
is a possibility. If the mortgage-back security problem is real and
not contrived, the next shock should arise from commercial real
estate. Stores are closing in shopping centers, and vacancies are
rising in office buildings. Without rents, the mortgages can't be
paid. Another scare and another big drop in the stock market will set
off a second 'flight to quality' and finance the budget deficits. The
other way is to print money. John Williams (shadowstats. com) thinks
that the budget deficits will be financed by monetizing debt. The
Federal Reserve will buy most of the new bonds and create demand
deposits for the Treasury. In effect, the money supply will grow by
the amount of Fed purchases of new Treasury debt. Printing money to
finance the government's budget normally leads to high inflation and
high interest rates." (03/21/09)
http://informationc learinghouse. info/article2227 1.htm
56) The emperor has no clothes
Socialist Watch
by Benjamin Weingarten
"What we are seeing right now are the kinds of last ditch efforts that
reveal how truly inept and desperate our leaders are. First there is
the AIG bonus fiasco, a case study in the bumbling incompetence of the
representatives in charge of containing the financial fallout
(ironically the very people that preempted it). Then there is the move
to quantitative easing -- a seemingly sophisticated way of getting
around the fact that the state is effectively socializing the
government debt market and literally printing a trillion dollars out
of thin air (as is the government's wont). The implications of these
two bamboozles are very telling." (03/19.09)
http://tinyurl. com/dj4tfm
57) On the edge of the volcano
by Alexander Cockburn
"Since last September Barack Obama has been trying to pull off the
tricky shot of backing bailout schemes at taxpayers' expense for the
Wall Street operators who have brought the economy to its knees, while
simultaneously presenting himself as a populist crusader battling for
economic justice and the regular folks on Main Street. Right now, for
the first time since he was elected president, he's perilously close
to plummeting from this high wire act and ending up publicly derided
as Mr Facing-Both- Ways, a toxic label for a man whose moral keynote
has always been that he'll play it straight with the American
people." (03/22/09)
http://counterpunch .org/cockburn032 02009.html
58) The shoulders I stand on
The Libertarian Enterprise
by L. Neil Smith
"Rio Bravo, for those of you under the age of forty, is a 1959 western
about individual courage in the face of thuggery, directed by Howard
Hawks and starring John Wayne. It also features Walter Brennan, Dean
Martin, Rickey Nelson, and Angie Dickinson. And as I watched it for
the hundredth time in my life, I realized, not for the first time,
that I had learned a great deal more from movies like it than merely
moviemaking. " (03/22/09)
http://www.ncc- tle2009/tle511- 20090322- 02.html
59) Obama Special Olympics cartoon
Baloo's Cartoon Blog
by Rex Baloo
Cartoon. (03/21/09)
http://tinyurl. com/d39vsz
60) Abandoning the rule of law
The Liberty Papers
by tarran
"The United States is a banana republic. The Jeffersonian ideal of a
series of republics built upon enlightenment values of freedom and
reason has died. It wasn't a sudden death, like that which occurs in a
car crash; where one can pinpoint to the second where death occurred.
Rather it was a slow lingering death, with organ after organ gradually
slowing, a long twilight that ended in the dark of a moonless night.
Some would argue that this is a melodramatic claim, made by some
bitter conservative in reaction to the evolution of society, the
rantings of a 'dead-ender' in knee-jerk opposition to the inevitable
and gradual improvement of society. We can test whether or not they
are right by comparing the principles of a free society to those
dominating the U.S. right now." (03/20/09)
http://www.theliber typapers. org/2009/ 03/20/abandoning -the-rule- of-law/
61) You will be stimulated!
by Brian Doherty
"The phenomenon of some GOP governors talking the anti-stimulus talk
(even walking the anti-stimulus walk, at least as far as their
legislatures will allow them to) is encouraging in its own small way.
It's refreshing to see that some degree of federalism -- backed up
with actual thinking about tomorrow's consequences for today's actions
-- is still alive somewhere on the American political scene. Sure,
looking at the wider picture makes it all seem like just political
theater. As Christopher Beam noted in The Washington Post, the various
governors are presenting weak strategies almost certainly bound to be
defeated by their legislatures, combined with incoherent theories that
make it unclear why only portions of the stimulus should be rejected.
But it is good, at least, that some politicians think there is a
public out there ready to be attracted to such a stance." (03/20/09)
http://www.reason. com/news/ show/132346. html
62) In which we discover that "constitutional" is not a synonym for
"good idea"
Disloyal Opposition
by JD Tuccille
"With regard to the constitutionality of Rep. Charles Rangel's crowd-
pleasing bill imposing a 90% tax on bonuses received by AIG
executives, I'll defer to the legal experts. So far, most of the
professional Constitution- parsers who have sounded off on the measure
say it's unlikely to be knocked down in the courts. That said, I'll
chime in with agreement to the addendum that many of them add: the
laser-targeted tax is an abuse of the system that violates the spirit
of the Constitution. " (03/20/09)
http://www.tuccille .com/blog/ 2009/03/in- which-we- discover- that.html
63) Terror begins at home
The American Conservative
by Philip Jenkins
"Since the New Deal, fears of terrorism and subversion have played a
central role in U.S. political life. But the ways in which government
and media conceive those menaces can change with astonishing speed.
Such tectonic shifts usually occur because of the ideological bent of
the administration in power. When a strongly liberal administration
takes office, it brings with it a new rhetoric of terrorism, and new
ways of understanding the phenomenon. Based on the record of past
Democratic administrations, in the near future terrorism will almost
certainly be coming home. This does not necessarily mean more attacks
on American soil. Rather, public perceptions of terrorism will shift
away from external enemies like al-Qaeda and Hezbollah and focus on
domestic movements on the Right." (for publication 03/23/09)
http://www.amconmag .com/article/ 2009/mar/ 23/00016/
64) Why do conservatives hate your children?
by Joseph Romm
"Fundamentally, anti-science conservatives are now the cement shoes on
the American people, pulling us down into the hot, acidic dead zone.
If that wasn't clear before ... House Republicans codified their
opposition to climate action this week." (03/21/09
http://tinyurl. com/cur8xp
65) Interview: Eric Garris, part 2
The New American
by Thomas R. Eddlem
"War means big government and an excuse to clamp down on
constitutionally protected freedoms, co-founder Eric
Garris tells The New American in an interview." (03/20/09)
http://www.thenewam usnews/foreign- policy/901
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Getting Off Track, by John B. Taylor com/exec/ obidos/asin/ 0817949712/ internationso- 20
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66) Cato Daily Podcast, 03/24/09
Cato Institute
"The push for universal pre-K," featuring Adam B. Schaeffer. [MP3]
http://tinyurl. com/c59go4
67) QandO Podcast, 03/22/09
"Bruce, Michael and Dale talk about the AIG bonus Fiasco, limiting
executive pay, and the public's tolerance for President
Obama." [various formats] (03/22/09)
http://www.qando. net/?p=1676
68) Free Talk Live, 03/21/09
Free Talk Live
"Police Stealing from Motorists via Threats and Asset Forfeiture
Forms / Reading Laws / Marijuana Legalization / Fine Revenue / Taxes
Obscured / Waldo Speed Trap / Deficits / Military Veteran Wants to
Enslave Your Kids / VA Hospital Socialism / Volunteer Military vs.
Draftees / Teens Discouraged from Being Adults / Oath Keepers / Fixing
the State Indoctrination System? / Choices and Options? / Govt Schools
and Ignorance." [MP3] (03/21/09)
http://media. media/ftl/ FTL2009-03- 21.mp3
69) Freedomain Radio #1309
Freedomain Radio
"Vengeance love and the world: How to save yourself from
hatred." [MP3] (03/21/09)
http://tinyurl. com/fdr1309
70) John B. Taylor on
"John B. Taylor, professor of economics at Stanford University,
challenges the conventional wisdom that it was an excess of
deregulation that precipitated our current financial crisis. In fact,
he says, the exact opposite is true. In January, he sat down with's Michael C. Moynihan to discuss his new book Getting Off
Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and
Worsened the Financial Crisis (Hoover Press) and explain what caused
the collapse of the American economy. " [Flash video] (03/20/09)
http://reason. tv/video/ show/728. html
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Monday, 23 March 2009
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Britannia Radio