The Geopolitical Great Game The Great Financial Crisis: Ron Paul : On The Collapse Of Capitalism
Turkey and Russia Moving Closer
By F. William Engdahl
Despite the problems of the ruble and the weak oil price in recent months for the Russian economy, the Russian Government is pursuing a very active foreign policy strategy. Its elements focus on countering the continuing NATO encirclement policy of Washington, with often clever diplomatic initiatives on its Eurasian periphery. Continue
Interview of John Bellamy Foster
By Mike Whitney
The robbing of public funds to bailout private capital is now on a scale probably never before seen. A politicized, organized working class capable of understanding and reacting to that theft, and choosing thereby to restructure society, to meet real social, egalitarian needs is what is now to be hoped for. Continue
By Ron Paul
Nations will be redefined in this period. Continued
Sunday, 1 March 2009
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Britannia Radio