Monday, 30 March 2009


 Subject: Life in fascist Britain 

Telegraph letter -
what will the Tories do about it? SIR - The West Midlands Police hold a quarterly open meeting at which the public can discuss crime. The last meeting started with a presentation, with each person given a handset in order to select answers to particular questions. 

As the cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Safer Communities for Wolverhampton City Council I chaired the meeting. The presenter said, "Let's start with an easy question to get us going: 
press A if you're male or B if you're female". 
To general amusement someone piped up: "What if you're transgendered?" 
I quipped that you could press A & B together. There was much laughter. 

Several days later a complaint of homophobia was made. I was marched off to the local police station, questioned for two hours by a sergeant and an inspector and let off with a warning. 

Cllr Jonathan Yardley (Con) Wolverhampton