Here is your Crux AM update:
Supertrader says get ready to buy gold
Jeff Clark says this will be the "year of precious-metals stocks."
An incredible list of blue chip penny stocks
Two years ago, you'd get laughed out of the room for predicting this would happen…
MAJOR world currency forecasted to plunge in 2009
Chief exports plummeting in price, plus big debts, equals currency plunge.
Billionaire oilman says prepare for $300 oil
Says T. Boone, "You think OPEC is a free market? We have no control over what is going on."
How to slash doctor visit fees with the Internet
"I feel reassured by the fact that if I need to talk to a doctor, I can without having to blow my food budget for a month."
An easy was to set up your own annuity
It will take you an hour… and you won't pay a dime in fees.
Huge foreclosure rates draw home buyers and speculators to California
"This is the buying opportunity of our lifetime."
The Daily Crux
Friday, 6 March 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio