Here is your Crux AM update:
The world's biggest bankruptcy is coming… here's how to profit
All world economies are in trouble, but this one is definitely going bankrupt.
Venezuela lurches towards total gov't control… Chavez seizing food companies
"We’re going to continue to tighten the screws… Begin the process of expropriating…"
World's biggest beer co. to dump $7 billion in assets, cut dividend
Not even the brewers can withstand this recession.
Interactive U.S. map shows areas with highest unemployment rates
Shows Michigan is a sad, bloody glove right now.
A gigantic, smelly crisis in the world's biggest democracy
An estimated 75% of India's surface water contains human waste.
Go to the Masters for half-off
The down economy is even hitting Augusta, Georgia.
The Daily Crux
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio