Here's a second worthwhile assessment of the situation - especially
Brown's position - on G20 -5.
xxxxxxxxxxx cs
GUARDIAN 27.3.09
Next on Mr Brown's agenda: invade the Channel Islands
The prime minister's new zeal on tax havens rings hollow, as does his
grand G20 roadshow. I'm now less sure he can hang on
. Martin Kettle
At the height of the diplomatic frenzy preceding the Iraq war, Tony
Blair came within a whisker of making a long return flight to
Santiago in an attempt to get Chile on side. In the end, even Blair
flinched at the massive imbalance of effort and reward involved. This
week, though, Gordon Brown has done what Blair did not and has gone
the extra mile - more accurately the extra 15,000 miles - travelling
to South America in a last-minute effort to turn next week's G20
summit from another international photo-opportunity into a political
Brown's massive journey is the latest reminder of how much of his own
authority and political capital the prime minister has invested in
next Thursday's day in London's Docklands. But the odyssey has
simultaneously turned into a reminder of how precarious Brown's
underlying authority actually is. No sooner was the PM on the plane
than the governor of the Bank of England made clear that the country
has reached its overdraft limit. There could be no more loose talk at
the budget, said Mervyn King, about any further massive stimulus from
a government whose books are already awash with red ink.
Even Brown had to bend the knee to that. The budget will now be a
much more austere accounting than he would like; any option of an
early election has died with it. The speed of Brown's retreat was
almost as striking as the fact that it occurred. It called to mind
the old charge that part of this prime minister's political makeup is
that he is a bottler.
It sometimes seems there are two Gordon Browns cohabiting inside the
prime minister. On the one hand there is Good Gordon, who
passionately believes in the benevolence of government, in helping
the poor, and in the international obligations of the developed
world. On the other there is Bad Gordon, who adopts positions for
tactical advantage, is more interested in the news impact of his
actions than whether they make sense, and who too often says things
that he knows are either untrue or unattainable or both.
Seen in that frame, Brown's G20 activities take on a less flattering
light. His recent pressure on the Treasury, now rebuffed, to make
unaffordable tax cuts next month has loud echoes of the opportunist
tax cuts he engineered in his last budget, two years ago, by
abolishing the 10p tax band. Similarly, the long journey to South
America, like some of the politically calculated trips that Brown
made as chancellor, may be designed more as an appearance of activity
than as an effective activity itself.
Sometimes it is not clear which Gordon has the upper hand. Take the
example of the prime ministerial crusade against tax havens, which
Brown has helped to elevate into a G20 agenda item, even though its
causal connection to either the banking crisis or the recession is
not at all evident. [in fact. no connection at all - just a bit of
socialistic populism -cs]
Nevertheless, addressing the European parliament this week, Brown
again held out the prospect that the G20 will "agree the big changes"
that will lead to "the end of offshore tax havens and offshore centres".
Was this Good Gordon or Bad speaking? On the face of it, the
elimination of tax havens and the draining of the tax avoidance swamp
are magnificently moral objectives for any internationalist social
democrat. But wait a moment. Was this the same Brown who did
absolutely nothing about the UK's many tax havens during the decade
when he was chancellor? Was it the same one who actively encouraged
them to prosper?
It is hard not to suspect that Brown knows only too well that
denouncing the offshore world will always be much easier than
suppressing it. In both Jersey and Guernsey, for example, the
possibility of a declaration of independence from the UK is a very
live issue indeed; legislative preparations are well advanced and
could be triggered if London attempted to interfere with the islands'
low tax regimes. So is the new crusader Brown ready to invade the
Channel Islands in the name of ending tax havens? Maybe so, but it
seems unlikely. Words are cheap.
The worry among some of Brown's Labour critics is that this is
typical behaviour, and that Bad Gordon always wins out in the end.
Brown has done many good things during the financial crisis and the
recession, this argument runs, but he has consistently failed to give
voters a realistic account of where the government is heading.
Instead he denounces easy targets like tax havens and the bonus
culture without the means or even the will to end them; and flies
around the world talking grandly about the creation of a global
society, while hesitating to impose an agenda on banks that should
have been nationalised months ago and while the substance of the
broader economic achievement - as Mervyn King and Angela Merkel both
argue - remains still unproven.
Doubtless, enough will be agreed in London next week for the G20
summit to be trumpeted as a success. It is important that this
achievement should not be underestimated. Good Gordon - the prime
minister who spoke so well in Washington the other day - is just as
real as Bad Gordon. But the summit should not be taken at face value
either. For, unless Brown's continuing efforts produce a whole series
of improbably benign changes of mind in the world's capitals over the
next few days, the likelihood is that the G20 will be a significant
anticlimax when set alongside the claims that Brown has made for it
for so long.
This too, though, is recidivist Brown. He has set expectations too
high. His rhetoric left reality standing. From the moment the summit
was mooted, Brown bet the whole farm on the rewards of being seen at
the heart of the economic summit. As a result, Thursday's gathering
has been seriously oversold as a transformative political event. The
danger for Brown is that now, instead of being hailed as the man who
led the global economy out of recession, he risks being dismissed as
boastful but ineffectual.
Along with most commentators, I had concluded that the return of
Peter Mandelson to the government in the autumn meant that the
leadership issue which so convulsed Labour last summer was finally
dead until the general election. Now I begin to have doubts. There is
talk again, not much but more than for some months, about whether
Brown can hold on till the election. The verdict on the G20 will be
very important here, as will the budget and the European elections.
It can't just go on like this for another 14 months, one Labour MP
complained this week. But it can, and it will - won't it? [Aaarrgh!
Friday, 27 March 2009
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Britannia Radio