HEADLINES 1. US defends Polish and Czech missile base plans 2. Rift between General Motors and EU grows 3. Rapid euro entry would help Baltic states, agency says 4. EU sees Khodorkovsky trial as test of Russian president 5. EU court accepts forced retirement due to age 6. False alarm on gas supplies exposes EU fears 7. ECB cuts interest rate to record low 8. Europeans reluctant to e-shop abroad 9. EU parliament hosts battle on future... Europe Irish rerun referendum on Lisbon unlikely to be until after June The Irish government is expected to rule out holding the Lisbon Treaty referendum before, or alongside the European Parliament elections in June, the Irish Times reports. The opposition parties have warned that the exact wording and status of the Irish “guarantees” may not be agreed with other European leaders before the Council meeting in June.... EXPOSING THE EU’s PLANS Ever-closer Union underway The UK has to be obey judgments made in Brussels which override decisions made by our own democratic institutions. What is more the British taxpayer has to pay Brussels £ billions each year for the ‘privilege’ of being bound by EU law. Recently the EU announced its intention to take more control over Britain. These plans include: - More EU control over taxation -... If you have ever criticised the EU or its symbols in any way you will find that your name will most likely be found there. For the EU ‘freedom of speech’ means what ever they want it to mean. The one thing it doesn’t mean is that you have freedom to speak your mind! So if, you, have ever expressed disparaging remarks about the Brussels commissars and their European Union, you will be most concerned to learn that... The latest edition of the Europarl in-house magazine can be viewed via the link below. europarl-mag-jan-19 Knowledge is power - know your enemy [Read more...] Europe German Finance Minister wants to help eurozone countries which have “difficulties with their payments”; ECB says German plan breaches “no bailout” clause in EU Treaty Der Spiegel reports that German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck is looking into ways to help struggling eurozone member states. The article notes that Steinbrueck was “speaking about the unspeakable” when he hinted at the... The following letter was published in the Worcester News on the 5th of this month. In many ways it’s a straightforward letter talking up the Party (albeit in a somewhat fanciful way) in response to criticism - see below - but it is also very worrying in as much as the letter also contains the following phrase: “…and, most importantly, we want to re-examine our membership of the EU.” So it would appear that... The Independent MEP, Ashley Mote has made yet another attempt to rouse the authorities to action over the illegality of the governments forcing through of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. He also exposes the extremely dubious position of the government that they are allowed to claim ‘automatic assent’ as the authorisation for such practices. In a letter sent to Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Yates, of... LATEST NEWS
EUobserver.com - 06.03.2009
Open Europe Press Bulletin 2009
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Will you be on the new EU criminal database?
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UKIP is very much alive and kicking?
Government accused of Treason
Friday, 6 March 2009
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Britannia Radio