Thursday, 26 March 2009



Maybe the Empire wasn't such a great idea after all (although without the Empire I'd be there with you).
Or else you guys should have figured out a way to keep the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  all. out of the mother country.
A Fox News broadcast (Greta Van Sustren) from Mexico City last night depicted how civil government is practically under siege down there.  Everybody was frightened, corruption is rife, and the cartels seem able to reach wherever they want to intimidate or assassinate.  Showed a highly sophisticated observation center that enabled operators to link passenger traffic at sensitive points with license plates, financial data, & biometrics.
To fight the cartels, the Mexican government is imposing tighter & tighter observation and control measures, and as the threats of terrorist attack become more urgent here in the US, I have to believe our own government will soon be doing the same thing, if it isn't doing it already.  The UK has been notorious for placing security cameras everywhere as a result of the ongoing threat of terrorism, and we have a few here too.  Guilty or innocent, we're all going to be prisoners soon.  I don't see any way to avoid it, short of holing up somewhere.  We still have a few opens spaces for that here.
xxxxxxxxxxxx ts
Los Alamitos, CA