Friday, 27 March 2009

House of Dawg) Here's this week's rant.

The More Things Change

By Ernest Stewart

* The more things change, the more they stay the same. ~~~ Old Proverb

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the Legislature is in
session." ~~~ Gideon J. Tucker

"You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it
increases the problem." ~~~ Joey Ratz

* The Changeling is at it again; trouble is there isn't any change. While
Barry talks of change, so far it's been pretty much same ole, same ole! Sure
there have been a few cosmetic changes but when it comes down to it, it's
Bush I II, Clinton Reagan all over again. The major difference is that it's
packaged differently.

On the war front, our wars keep going on with one rapidly expanding and the
new one in Pakistan ramping ever upwards. Our anti-war candidate may be
turning down the war in Iraq but he isn't ending it. Even though we're
supposed to be totally out of there by 2011, we'll be staying on to the tune
of 50,000 or 60,000 soldiers as a *"residual force."* Can you imagine what
would have happened if General Cornwallis announced in 1783 that he was
staying on as the *"British Provisional Authority"* with a residual force of
50,000 Redcoats to provide protection and training for Washington's
government? Can you? Well that's Barry's plan for Iraq. Well actually, it
was Smirky's, but Barry adopted it!

In Afghanistan our puppet governor appointed by Bush, Hamid Karzai, is
beginning to make too many demands, i.e., that we stop slaughtering innocent
citizens. Ergo Barry and NATO are going to appoint another puppet of their
own as a Prime Minister to usurp Karzai's power since it looks as if Karzai
is a shoe-in to remain president after September's election. Hence, just as
in the Gaza ghetto when the Palestinians democratically elected someone that
wouldn't do Israel's and our bidding, we'll make an end run around the
problem and appoint someone who will do our bidding, no matter what Karzai

Meanwhile the printing presses are running 24/7 printing out trillions more
worthless dollars for *"Barry's Banking Buddies."* China, Russia and most of
the world are demanding a new financial system that isn't based on our
worthless money so it's only a matter of time before hyper-inflation makes
the dollar worth less than the German mark during the Weimar Republic. You
may recall that then people were paid twice a day and went shopping at lunch
because by the time they got off work the prices would have doubled or
tripled. It took a wheel barrow of money to buy a loaf of bread. Sure the
$800,000,000,000.00 for reconstruction of our crumbling infrastructure,
school system, green power, etc. is a good and a needed thing but the rest
of the bailout is just throwing good money after bad and will make
this *"moving
paper fantasy"* of ours come crashing to the ground, taking most of us with

Consider the following quotations if you will...

For those of you on the right remember what George Wallace said:

* "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and
Republican Parties." *

For those of you on the left remember the words of Gore Vidal:

* "It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one
party representing four percent of the people." *

And for everybody else, remember the words of your dear old Uncle Ernie:

* "The word Politics comes from the Latin, 'Poli' meaning 'Many' and from
the English 'Tics' meaning 'Blood Sucking Creatures,' Poli-Tics." *

Finally I should note that there has been a new change in the status quo.
The Washington Post
that in a memo e-mailed this week to Pentagon staff members, the Defense
Department's office of security review noted that:

* "This administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global
War on Terror' [GWOT.] Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation.'" *

There will be no real change, America, a change that we desperately need,
unless we the people make it so. The poli-tic-ians never will!

* In Other News *

I've wasted a lot of my time writing my Con-gressmen, Sin-ators and the
like, asking them to explain their actions. Since we moved down here to
Trinity, South Carolina I've spent more time than usual with the likes of
Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint in the Sin-ate and Governor Mark Sanford
residing in the state shack! I could write several tomes on each and their
peculiar ways of screwing the people but I'll leave that for another time.
Today's rant concerns my Con-gressman John Spratt.

John proudly tells anyone who will listen to his rambling about his support
for the *"State Children's Health Insurance Program"* (SCHIP)
Reauthorization Act. No doubt a worthy cause but ask John about his support
for NAIS HR 1105 <>,
a bill to run the small farmer, and especially organic farmers, out of
business and leave us to the tender mercies of Monsanto, Cargill and Tyson
and the like. All you'll hear is the "Sound Of
not only supported HR 1105 but was a co-sponsor, too. Needless to say,
I wrote John a letter asking him to explain his actions. And surprise,
surprise, I've yet to receive an answer. Here's the letter:

* I see that you are a co-sponsor of NAIS HR 1105. Why would you do such a
thing to America, John? I'm sure you know very well what will happen if this
act of treason passes the Senate. It will, without a doubt, destroy the
family farm, which, in turn, will end up poisoning us all, i.e.,

NAIS was designed by NIAA (the National Institute of Animal Agriculture), a
corporate consortium consisting of Monsanto, industrial meat producers such
as Cargill and Tyson and surveillance companies such Viatrace, AgInfoLink,
and Digital Angel. The NAIS scheme fits agribusiness, biotech, and
surveillance companies to a T:

1) They are already computerized, and they engineered a corporate loophole:
If an entity owns a vertically integrated, birth-to-death factory system
with thousands of animals (as the Cargills and Tysons do), it does not have
to tag and track each one but instead a herd is given a single lot number.

NAIS will only be burdensome and costly (fees, tags, computer equipment,
time) to small farmers and that helps push them out of business thus leaving
more market to giant agribusiness.

Agribusiness wants to reassure export customers that the US meat industry is
finally cleaning up its widespread contamination. NAIS would give that
appearance ... without incurring the cost of a real cleanup.

NAIS will allow total control over the competition: Owners of even a single
chicken would be required to register private information, the Global
Positioning System (GPS) coordinates of their 'premise' and if any animal
leaves its 'premise', the owner will be required to obtain an ID number for
it and have the animal micro-chipped. All information, including 24 hour GPS
surveillance would be fed into a vast corporate data bank, allowing for ease
of false slaughter to hide true problems or to substitute biotech's
genetically engineered animals.

NAIS may allow plundering of farmers through required DNA samples: DNA
samples would be invaluable to Monsanto and biotech corporations genetically
engineering animals. Farmers who raise heritage breeds would have no say in
how their distinct DNA would be used and to the sole profit of biotech

The advantage for the surveillance companies is obvious: Compulsory tagging
of 6 million sheep, 7 million horses, 63 million hogs, 97 million cows, 260
million turkeys, 300 million laying hens, 9 billion chickens, and untold
numbers of bison, alpaca, quail, and other animals -- and new animals being
born creates a massive self-perpetuating market.

What would possess you, John, to do such a thing? Monsanto, one of the
evilest corpo-rats in the world will be happy to destroy us all with their
manufactured poisons. You are supposed to be working for the people, not be
a puppet for them! Now we're left to the tender "mercies" of the corpo-rats
and the FDA, an agency that was bought and paid for decades ago by the
corpo-rats. Thanks!

Explain yourself!

** I'll let you know if I ever get a reply.

* And Finally *

I see where der Panzer Pope has escaped once again from the Vatican and is
off to Africa to do what he can to increase AID's amongst the native
population. Joey Ratz thinks that upholding dogma is more important than
accepting the reality that condoms are a proven and inexpensive method of
preventing the spread of AIDs and over-population. Joey says that far from
preventing AIDs, *"it increases the problem."* More importantly, it doesn't
matter that it dooms millions of his followers to slow, horrible, agonizing
deaths. Just so long as the laws of his mythology aren't broken. It's good
to be king!

Finding himself on a roll, he said of African mythology versus papal

*"So many of them are living in fear of spirits, of malign and threatening
powers. In their bewilderment they even end up condemning street children
and the elderly as alleged sorcerers."*

Listen up, people, here's something Joey knows about. If you don't believe
me then just ask those Jewish wizards that suffered under the righteous
Torquemada or ask Galileo how this works. Of course, I've always thought
that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones but then again,
what do I know? Am I saying that Joey Ratz is a hypocrite? Why, yes I am!
How many women were burned at the stake for being witches or the *"devil's
handmaidens"* over Catholic dogma? How many died a similar death as
heretics? Do you know the number of midwives who were slaughtered for the
crime of being women with knowledge?

You say the church has changed and I say somewhat, but official disregard of
reality goes ever onward. Joey wants to revive a Church for the
ultraconservatives, those earnest souls who yearn for a simpler, stricter,
stronger Church, led by an omniscient, omnipotent father, someone like der
Panzer Pope! An imperialist, dogmatic, institution where you abandon reason
once you enter its doors to a land of wizards, witches, demons and devils.
Yes, hypocrite and liar pretty much sums up Joey, don't you think?

* ***** *

We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We
don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious
problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists
who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The
articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and
the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small
publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon
join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of
thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for
the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month.
We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the
same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives,
remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and
our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar,
five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest and Victoria Stewart

* ***** *

12-11-1923 ~ 03-13-2009
R.I.P. Sweetie!

10-07-1939 ~ 03-20-2009
Rock on!

02-08-1948 ~ 03-25-2009
Rock on!


The "W" theatre trailers are up along with the new movie poster and screen
shots from the film. They are all available at the all-new "W" movie
<> Both trailers are on site and may be downloaded; the
new trailer can be seen with Flash on site. You can download in either PC or
Mac formats. I'm in the new trailer as myself but don't blink or you'll miss
me! Also the W theatre trailer can be seen on YouTube.


So how do you like the 2nd coup d'etat so far?
And more importantly, what are you planning on doing about it?

Until the next time, Peace Y'all!
(c) 2009 Ernest Stewart  a.k.a. Uncle
Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political
pundit and for the last 8 years managing editor and publisher of Issues And
Alibis magazine <>. In his spare time he is
an actor, writer and an associate producer for the new motion picture "W The
Movie." <>