Since liberals place a premium on tolerance, the loving and charitable thing to do is help them develop it. Note here that, unbeknownst to many, tolerance involves enduring something considered to be a negative. We don’t tolerate a fine meal or a nice car, for instance; we relish such things. But we might have to tolerate bad weather, a cold or Nancy Pelosi. Now, since liberals actually perceive a great many positive things to be negative, placing them in situations wherein they may cultivate tolerance is not difficult.
by Selwyn Duke
Eight Reasons Why Amnesty is a Bad Idea
The movement to grant amnesty to illegal aliens is afoot once more, despite the fact that most Americans oppose it. That’s why its supporters don’t call it "amnesty" at all, but "regularization" or “comprehensive immigration reform” or some other such euphemism. Amnesty can be approved by various sneaky methods, in order to avoid real debate on the issue - something amnesty-backers desperately wish to avoid. Amnesty could be attached as a "rider" on a popular bill, pushed through at an odd time in the legislative calendar or approved in such a manner as not to reveal who was really for it and who wasn’t. Amnesty could also be approved by including it in a "temporary" worker program to "solve" a non-existent labor shortage, or any number of clever subterfuge.
by Allan Wall
The Constitutional Crisis is already here
Many have foretold the coming of a constitutional crisis if Also Known As (AKA) Obama does not produce the documents proving his eligibility to the office of president. AKA has made it very apparent that he does not intend to produce the documents willingly because to do so would show that he knew he was ineligible from the outset; that the only conspiracy in this matter was the conspiracy in which he engaged to defraud the American people.
by Lynn Stuter
By now, readers should be familiar with the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report dated 02/20/09 and titled, "MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement." In this dreadfully malicious and slanderous "law enforcement sensitive" secret police report, Governor Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon; John Britt, Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety; James Keathley, Colonel, Missouri State Highway Patrol; and Van Godsey, Director of MIAC categorize certain citizens as being potential violence-prone "militia members." I would venture to guess that more than 75% of the entire population of the United States would fit the MIAC's broad definition of someone who would fall into the aforementioned category........
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
How to Use Your Children to Annoy a Liberal
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Britannia Radio