Sunday, 22 March 2009

The Jewish "Mona Lisa" in a Nazi Death camp
Below is the Holocaust picture that horrifies and haunts me the most. 
Look at the innocence and beauty of these little Jewish children. 
The one girl's face (on the far left) is absolutely angelic. 
She has been starved, maimed and tortured by the Nazis. 
She is humiliated, stripped and naked but despite her captivity and Hellish surroundings she sits like royalty. 
She remains majestically clothed with startling poise, undisturbed refinement and profound elegance. 
It's a though she is not in a death camp but is a little princess in a French salon waiting with agitation to be served. 
She refuses to give up her serenity and composure and miraculously ....she somehow manages to retain her untouchable human dignity
She is resistant. I see quiet defiance in her eyes. 
She knows that she is far, far above her Nazi tormentors. 
She looks down upon the savage Aryan barbarians with quiet but enormous indignation and unmolested supremacy over the, "Master Race." 
Her silence speaks volumes. "I am above you and I am better than you!" she says in superior moral outrage.  
She almost seems impatient with their primitive Nazi brutality and she curtly asks her ruthlessly cruel captors, "Are you through yet?"  
This little girl's picture is the, "Mona Lisa" of the Holocaust. 
It is overwhelming apparent that she has not, and will not surrender. 
She is a prisoner, but still free. 
This Jewish child is Victorious over Evil and she says to the Nazis triumphantly, "You can starve me, you can torture my little girl's frame with your sadistic Nazi medical experiments, you can destroy and annihilate my tiny female body -- but you Nordic savages CAN NOT and WILL NOT ever touch my God given human soul. 
Note: I personally will never be able to comprehend or understand how the Holocaust could have happened and it haunts and plagues me that it did. 
In the name of the, "God of Israel" I am determined and swear, and we should we all be solemnly pledged -- that it will never happen again!

No Second Jewish Holocaust!  author: Rock Peters copyrights USA 2009