Ron Paul “We Need More Earmarks!” After attacks, Europe hurries to tighten gun laws Google’s ‘interest-based’ ads sure to stoke privacy fears Ron Paul: Obama Foreign Policy Identical To Bush Iran not moving on bomb, say US spies The Criminal Injustice System Greenspan: Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble Ahmadinejad: World economic system ‘unfair’ I don’t know what to say
Ludicrous Terrorist Watch List Now Contains Over 1 Million Names
Newly released figures show that one million names now make up the government's terrorist watch list, a dramatic rise of around 32% in the last two years.
• Officials: Taliban ops chief once held at Gitmo
Congressman Ron Paul enlightens Congress regarding earmarks.
• Obama Targets ‘Earmarks’ in New Spending Bill
Several European countries have restricted gun laws in the wake of school massacres, gang violence and other gun-related crimes.
• South AL gunman identified, death toll now at 12
Google announced this morning that it is going to more and more sophisticated tracking of its users online browsing patterns in the interest of displaying to them advertising that will presumably be of greater interest.
Australian govt. begins funding abortions in third world nations
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has set the Christian lobby, a key Labor powerbroker and a crucial balance-of-power Senator against him over Australia’s move to scrap a 13-year-old ban on foreign aid being used to fund safer abortions for women in poor nations.
Congressman Ron Paul has slammed Barack Obama's foreign policy, saying it is identical to that of his predecessor George W. Bush, proving once again that both parties follow the same agenda on major issues.
Sneak Peek: Scenes From ‘The Obama Deception’ - On DVD March 15
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.
Is This a Depression? For Markets, It May Not Matter
Call it whatever you like—recession or depression—the current economic state has investors concerned that a worst-case scenario is in the offing.
• Worse Than The Great Depression... Hyperinflation Is Coming! Own Gold & Silver! Real Money-Real Protection!
• World needs a single currency … according to the Kazakhs
• Bank to begin ‘printing money’ to boost economy
• ‘Difficult’ Americans hamper G20 efforts to secure a global deal
IRAN has not produced the highly enriched uranium necessary for a nuclear weapon and has not decided to do so, US intelligence officials told Congress.
Ronald Cotton spent 11 years in prison because Jennifer Thompson provided eye witness testimony that he was the person who raped her. On March 9, National Public Radio revisited the story.
Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said lower rates on long-term, fixed-rate mortgages and not the Federal Reserve’s policies are to blame for the U.S. housing bubble.
• 53% of Americans (and Senator Specter) Think It’s Likely U.S. Will Enter Depression Like the 1930’s
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the world monetary system serves the interests of global economic powers in an “unfair” way.
ACLU: Gitmo judge ‘blatantly defied’ Obama executive order
The ACLU is angry that a military judge has accepted an incendiary legal pleading filed by five 9/11 suspects, despite President Obama’s order stopping the Guantanamo military commissions and even though attorneys for some of the defendants were unaware of it.
• ACLU demands Obama administration release prisoner abuse photos
After all is said and done, having studied the various plans to bail out banks, buy their toxic assets and bail out AIG again, plus stabilize world currencies, I don’t know what to say.
Fears over security for London 2012
EU and Nato help should be called upon to boost security at the London 2012 Olympics, an influential group of peers has said.
• Town hall threat to seize empty homes: campaign to force owners to sell or rent out
• On duty: 1,000 police officers found guilty of crimes
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
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Britannia Radio