March, 16 2009
The Government has not considered how to fit enough new arrivals to create a city the size of London into the already over-crowded South East, says Alasdair Palmer.
The Sunday Telegraph - (16/03)
Richard Ford, Home Correspondent Because of rising unemployment, British-born workers are having to seek low-paid and low-status jobs that have become the preserve of immigrant workers, a report says...
Newstin - (16/03)
, 07:30 Comment on this story AN ILLEGAL immigrant has been recommended for deportation after a stay in the UK of 26 years. Bangladesh national Irshad Ali ended up having his own curry business, Curry Master in Broxtowe Lane,...
this is - (16/03)
Australia has said it will cut the number of skilled foreign workers it accepts by 14% to safeguard local jobs. Immigration Minister Chris Evans announced the cut, the first by the country in 10...
Newstin UK - (16/03) EIGHT illegal immigrants have been arrested while working at two Cambridge sushi restaurants. Immigration officials swooped on Teri-Aki and Aki-Teri restaurants in Quayside after receiving a tip...
Cambridge News Online - (16/03)
By Rob Taylor CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia will cut its intake of migrants for the first time in a decade, the government said on Monday, amid concern that skilled foreign workers could stoke resentment by taking jobs at a time of rising...
Reuters UK - (16/03)
LONDON (Reuters) - More than three quarters of British adults believe immigrants should be asked to leave the country if they do not have a job, a survey for the Financial Times showed on...
Reuters uk - (16/03)
SYDNEY: Australia will cut its annual skilled worker migrant intake by 14 percent in an effort to preserve jobs for Australians after a spike in unemployment, the government announced...
Herald Tribune Europe - (16/03)
The UK government said the FT/Harris poll reinforced the need to demonstrate to the public that enhanced controls on migration were being implemented, writes Jean Eaglesham in...
Financial Times - (16/03)
Hundreds of thousands living in extreme poverty Charities brand current situation... - (16/03)
Monday, 16 March 2009
Seven million immigrants can't be good for Britain
Britons vie with immigrants for low-paid jobs
Immigrant lived illegally in UK for 26 years
Australia cuts migrant job intake
Illegal immigrants arrested in raids
Australia slashes immigration as recession looms
Poll shows Britons hostile to unemployed immigrants
Australia cuts worker migrant intake by 14 percent
Anger turns focus on controls
UK accused over asylum seekers left to live on $1 a day | UK news | The Guardian
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Britannia Radio