March, 21 2009
THIS is the moment a Mr Fixit was spotted sneaking illegal immigrants into the back of a lorry bound for the...
Online Sun - (21/03)
) Deva Kumarasiri looks remarkably unruffled. His royal-blue shirt is clean and crisp, his stripy tie is immaculately knotted, his trousers beautifully creased, his glasses polished to a shine and his mobile phone clipped to his belt in a neat, Velcroed...
Daily Mail - (21/03)
Italy's education minister has unveiled plans to set a 30% limit per class on immigrant pupils in an attempt to avoid ghettoes, as the number of foreign children attending Italian schools...
Guardian Unlimited - G2 - (21/03)
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Man who opens door to Britain
Facing the sack and vilified by local Muslims ... but the Postman Patriot insists he won't back down on his pro-British stance
Italian minister plans 30% limit per class on immigrant pupils
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Britannia Radio