By the way, speaking of rape, I'd be willing to bet that Bill has no problem with letting Hollywood 'genius' Roman Polanski back into the country...Monday, March 30, 2009
SecDef Gates Sends A Message To North Korea, Iran And Israel
In an interview with Chris Wallace on FOX last Sunday, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was asked about North Korea's impending missile test and simply said "I would say we're not prepared to do anything about it."
This, after Gates admitted, "I don't know anyone at a senior level in the American government who does not believe this technology is intended to mask the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile."
In the same interview, Gates also danced around direct questions from Wallace about the Obama Administration's desire to severely cut funds allocated for missile defense.
There's a message here to a number of interested parties. The Mullahs of Iran now know that if the US is unwilling or unable to interfere with the North Koreans' ICBM test or take any effective action against their illegal nuclear program, the current occupant of the White House is certainly not going to interfere with Iran doing the same thing.
And the Israelis, if they're paying attention, should realize that the US either couldn't or wouldn't do anything to stop North Korea, they're not going to stop an Iranian missile strike on Israel either. And that any guarantees the Israelis get on that score are pretty much worthless.
Last but not least, of course is the message to the American people, who mostly aren't paying attention. Allowing rogue states to obtain and perfect nuclear weapons will eventually affect us severely, and the people supposedly in charge of dealing with this sort of thing apparently have more pressing concerns.
', 'Obama's First Judicial Nominee - Far Left, Partisan And Well Connected
President Barack Hussein Obama has just made his first judicial nomination. And he's a Leftist's wet dream.
Judge David Hamilton has been chosen by Obama to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. His background is interesting, to say the least.
Hamilton is now a federal judge the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, a nomination he received from Bill Clinton. At that time, the liberal ABA rated him as “not qualified” when Clinton nominated him for the post back in 1994.He was still confirmed by a voice vote by the Senate, where the Democrats had a majority.
Hamilton's a former ACLU and ACORN lawyer,and his tenure on the bench has been marked by some interesting decisions. He issued a ruling that made it easier for child sex offenders to move around Indiana by invalidating a local version of Megan's Law designed to protect children by keeping tabs of their whereabouts. He also has the typical ACLU 'tude when it comes to suppressing evidence and warrants. And he ruled against waiting periods for those women seeking abortions.
In one of his rulings that made headlines, Hinrichs v. Bosma, Hamilton ruled that prayers in Jesus' Name at the Indiana House of Representatives was unconstitutional, but prayers to Allah were not,
He was ultimately reversed on that curious misreading of the First Amendment by the 7th Circuit, the same court Obama was him sitting on now.
As for the connections part....aside from his ACORN and ACLU service, Hamilton is ex-Dem Congressman Lee Hamilton's nephew, and Hamilton's brother, John Hamilton, is married to Dawn Johnsen, another radical with a law degree who Obama has nominated to serve as assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel in the United States Department of Justice.
', 'Bill Maher Hits A New Low
Now, tell the thought it wasn't possible for Bill Maher to reach a new low. Well, didn't you? Watch the video.GM CEO Fired - By Obama
Now that GM stands for 'Government Motors' rather than 'General Motors', the Obama Administration has decided it needed a scapegoat to blame any past and future problems on as it attempts to revamp GM in its own way.
GM's George W. Bush is going to be GM CEO Rick Waggoner:Wagoner, 56, who spent 32 years with GM working all over the world, stepped down effective immediately, the company said in a statement early Monday. He was replaced as CEO by Fritz Henderson, the company's vice chairman and chief operating officer.
GM board member Kent Kresa, a former chairman and CEO of Northrop Grumman Corp. (NOC), was named interim chairman and said new directors will make up the majority of GM's board when a new slate is nominated for election at the company's annual meeting in August.
"The board has recognized for some time that the company's restructuring will likely cause a significant change in the stockholders of the company and create the need for new directors with additional skills and experience," Kresa said in a written statement.
GM shares tumbled 86 cents, or 24 percent, to $2.76 inpremarket trading Monday. That is down 89 percent from its 52-week high of $24.24 on April 30, 2008.
The management shake-up, according to several industry analysts, shows that the administration is serious about forcing GM to change more quickly and dramatically than it did during Wagoner's nearly nine-year tenure as CEO.
Jeremy Anwyl, chief executive of the automotive Web, called the move "political theater" to appease an increasingly bailout-weary public.
"American taxpayers are not happy," Anwyl said. "But this way you're able to point to Rick and say he's gone, and that creates an environment where the loans become politically palatable."
By all accounts, Wagoner made progress in fixing GM. While CEO, he cut its U.S. work force from 177,000 to roughly 92,000 today.
Wagoner also closed factories; shed the unprofitable Oldsmobile brand; globalized GM's engineering, manufacturing and design to save billions; and led a resurgence in quality and performance of its long-neglected cars. In 2007, the company reached a landmark agreement with the United Auto Workers that shifted massive retiree health care costs to a union-run trust and ushered in a $14-per-hour wage for new hires, about half that of a current laborer.
But critics, including many members of Congress, say Wagoner moved too slowly, failing to cut enough of the company's huge health care and pension costs, and relying too long on high-profit pickup trucks and SUVs as gas prices rose and the market shifted toward smaller vehicles.
In the past four years, GM has piled up $82 billion in losses.
It would be interested to see how much of those losses can be attributed to GM's bloated union contracts, pension entitlements and forced compliance with government regulations.
As I mentioned before, the easy solution for GM and Chrysler would have been to let them go Chapter 11, thus allowing them to get out from under the union contracts they were saddled with and make a new start. The feds could have helped out by ensuring the existing vested pension obligations were fulfilled, which would have cost a lot less over the long run.
For the Obama Administration to do any better than Waggoner did, they're going to have to abrogate those union contracts..and I'm betting that won't happen largely because the UAW gave over $11 million to the Democrats in 2008.
So a sin offering was needed to blame the ensuing mess on. Waggoner was it, just like George W. Bush has been it for the mess the Obama Administration has made out of the economy. And between ourselves, I think President Obama enjoyed firing him, for reasons I'll leave to your imagination.
', 'Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ayers And Dohrn Guests Of Honor At Illinois High School
Ayers is now the apparent shadow head of the Department of education..and he's carrying out his mission of creating a generation of radicals that hate his country as much as he does. In reading the linked news story, I found it interesting that Ayers and Dohrn's invitation stems from one of Ayers' ex-students...who is obviously carrying on his old mentor's work and raping the minds of his students as I write this.This afternoon I learned that Bill Ayers has been invited to speak to high school students in the suburb ofNaperville Illinois where he will discuss his days in the Weather Underground. (h/t Doug Ross Journal). The school district is defending the decision with the laughable claim that they would never invite anyone to the school that advocated violence. No kidding, this isn't a joke.
"While we firmly believe in exposing students to a wide variety of speakers and opinions, offering them the chance to experience different viewpoints and the opportunity to hone their critical thinking skills (one of the tenets of our mission), please know that we would never invite anyone who advocates violence," District 203 said through a news release issued Friday evening. "Our understanding is that Bill Ayers does not, although this point is being actively debated by several who have contacted us. In addition, administrators from other school districts who have heard his presentation to students, have indicated that Ayers focuses on students being involved in social justice."
Really, this claim is being actively debated? Bombings and dead people weren't enough to convince these educators that violent activism is what Bill Ayers is all about?
Did they forget about Ayers saying "I feel we didn't do enough?"
Read the whole thing
UPDATE: It appears that the Naperville District has ummm...reconsidered:Faced with a firestorm of criticism, Naperville Unit District 203 leaders have canceled plans to have controversial author Bill Ayers speak to students at Naperville North High School.
Superintendent Alan Leis said Monday morning he had received more than 100 e-mails and numerous phone calls about Ayers' scheduled appearance and decided "it just wasn't appropriate. Any (educational) value here is completely lost."
"It is truly amazing the level of anger and emotion around this issue," he said.
"Amazing"? "Educational value"? You have to see how out of touch the people who are supposedly in charge of educating the next generation of Americans actually are to believe it.The public schools truly are the Left's madrassahs.
', 'Palestinians Punish Youth Orchestra - For Playing In Front Of Holocaust Survivors
The American Jewish Committee and Israeli heiress Shari Arison, Israel's wealthiest woman had funded a group called Strings of Freedom, a small Palestinian youth orchestra based in Jenin led and taught by conductor Wafa Younis, an Israeli Arab living in Israel.
Today it was disbanded, Younis has been barred from entering Jenin and the small studio where she taught the 13-member Strings of Freedom orchestra has been boarded up.
Their crime? They played a concert for elderly Holocaust survivors in Holon, Israel:Adnan Hindi of the Jenin camp called the Holocaust a "political issue" and accused the orchestra's conductor of unfairly dragging the children into a politics.
The dispute underscores Palestinian sensitivities over acknowledging Jewish suffering, which many fear could weaken their own historical grievances against Israel.Ignorance and even denial of the Holocaust is widespread in Palestinian society.
At last Wednesday's concert in Holon, most of the Holocaust survivors did not know the youths were Palestinians from the West Bank, a rare sight in Israel these days. And the youths, who range in age from 11 to 18, had no idea they were performing for people who lived through Nazi genocide — or even what the Holocaust was.{...}
"She exploited the children," said Hindi, the head of the camp's "popular committee," which takes on municipal duties. "She will be forbidden from doing any activities ... We have to protect our children and our community."
"The Holocaust happened, but we are facing a similar massacre by the Jews themselves," Hindi said. "We lost our land, and we were forced to flee and we've lived in refugee camps for the past 50 years."
Yes, I'm sure all of you have noticed the Palestinians being rounded up and herded into gas chambers, or shot and tossed into mass graves. And of course, you've noticed every single Palestinian, man, woman and child forcibly loaded into boxcars by the Israelis and sent to camps behind barbed wire.
And of course, none of the Palestinians left voluntarily, taking those famous house keys with them and waiting for their Arab brothers to massacre the Jews. Right?
Sarcasm aside, people like Mr. Hindi have no idea what a real genocide looks, feels and smells like. The closest they've ever come is at the hands of their Arab brothers, like King Hussein of Jordan during Black September, or the Kuwaitis after the first Gulf War.Younis, the conductor, denied the issue was political, saying camp officials wanted to take over the orchestra to get its funding.
"They want to destroy this group. It's a shame, it's a tragedy. What did these poor, elderly people do wrong? What did these children do wrong?" she said.
While I'm certain Ms. Younis knows the answer, I'll provide it here. In the eyes of the 'moderate' terrorists of Fatah, with whom Adnan Hindi is affiliated, what those elderly Jews did wrong was to simply survive. They thus provide a living human witness to the lie that Fatah apparatchniks like Hindi have been indoctrinating the masses under their control with since the days of St. Arafat - that the Israelis are 'nazis' and the treatment of Palestinian Arabs and Jews during the Holocaust was the same, an important step in deligitimizing and isolating Israel.
What the children did wrong, and why Ms. Younis has been barred from further contact with them is because such interaction between Israelis and Palestinians messes with the programming these kids have received since they were old enough to go to school, to the mosque, listen to the media or attend one of those infamous Palestinian 'summer camps' .
You see, to live in peace next to someone, you have to acknowledge their humanity and educate your people for peace. On the other hand, if you're merely biding your time until your enemy is sufficiently weakened and worn down that the jihad has a better chance of success, you use whatever propaganda tools you have at your disposal to demonize and dehumanize your enemy to your populace, take whatever concessions your enemy foolishly grants you and wait for the right time to strike.
This unfortunate story is just a window into a far more important truth.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Watcher of Weasels Terry Trippany has new piece out on Newsbustersthat has the story: ')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_to()" class="snap_noshots" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); ">
For any of you who still don't understand why the vision of a two state solution, with a `democratic Palestinian state living in peace next to Israel' is a fantasy, this story from the AP might just open your eyes a bit.
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Britannia Radio