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In many parts of the developed west turning a tap for water is a no-brainer - little kids can do it. Apart from summer heat-waves, it is entirely taken for granted that the water comes out clean, wholesome and cheap. In many third-world countries, particularly in areas of high human density, none of that is generally true – populations are inexorably rising, whilst water is becoming more scarce.
Climate change signals this loud and clear, just over the horizon.
When early in the 21st century, water is being referred to as 'the new oil,' things are rapidly changing.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Water shortage - are water wars now inevitable?
"Danger: Emergency"
As long ago as the nuclear debates of the 1950's and '60's, some far-sighted commentators forecast that water, the most precious of natural resources - since nothing can live without it – would become scarcer, that water shortages rather than nuclear competition, would lead to intense rivalry and possibly war between neighbours.
This is the subject of our March mid-month Special Report. We take a world-view looking at known flash-points; who controls this resource; geopolitical implications and what steps have been taken so far to head off shooting-wars over access.
If you think that the world's current economic problems are mind-blowing enough, try and imagine a world where there is only enough water for say two-thirds of the people now alive – with supplies further dwindling!
Also published on our blog: GEOPOLEMICS where readers comments are invited
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Britannia Radio