Obama eligibility issue must be resolved soon
Please don't misconstrue what I'm about to say as disparaging to any of the lawyers involved in these lawsuits. I have supported all of them and their efforts. I am not an attorney. I have no training in the law, but I can read and read I have. A million words in these lawsuits; the briefs as well as supporting documentation. That's how I learn and hopefully make an informed decision. Not based on personalities, but what the law says........
by Devvy Kidd
The Difference Between Wealth and Profit
What Bill Gates did with MicroSoft and what Stephen Jobs did with Apple are good examples of wealth. By creating software that enabled people to easily use personal computers for both business and personal reasons, productivity was increased about tenfold. Productivity is one way to judge true wealth. Gates and Jobs created something meaningful. What they did basically moved America's economy from manufacturing and industry to an economy driven by information and technology. This is a perfect example of wealth........
by Marilyn M. Barnewall
Looting the Economy
The reason we're so comparatively wealthy in this country, even during this worldwide economic crisis, is because this country has had a historically strong economy, built up over decades of productivity, of leading the world in industrial and technological innovation that has not only generated wealth for the entrepreneurs and investors who made it possible, but.......
by Margaret Goodwin
Rupert Murdoch Should Kill This Book
This is nothing less than an effort by Murdoch’s company to use its resources to promote this communist terrorist and his communist views to millions of Americans, especially young people and students. It is morally wrong and runs the risk of setting the stage for the creation of another violence-oriented student movement. In fact, Rudd brags in his books that there are already some 200 chapters of a “new SDS” on college campuses. The SDS was the communist student organization that spawned the Weather Underground......
by Cliff Kincaid
Saturday, 14 March 2009
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Britannia Radio