Pressure Builds on Myners to Resign - The Times Jade Goody is gone and the tributes pour in from the same rent-a-quoteswho condemned her for her outburts against Shilpa Shetty. Politicians are always desperate to associate themselves with popular culture in any way they can. Sometimes though Guido despairs of the priorities of spin, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition today paid warm tribute to a deceased reality TV star with her own perfume fragance. At the same time three soldiers, sent to war by them, returned in coffins from Afghanistan unremarked. Guido went to school with Tony McNulty and it seems that some of the moral guidance he was given by the Irish priests has been lost on him after spending so long in Westminster. The Mail on Sunday reports that the taxpayer is paying his parent’s housing costs - they live in his constituency home in Harrow (11 miles from Big Ben) while he lives in Hammersmith (3 miles from Westminster). Note that it is about half-an-hour on the Metropolitan tube line from his constituency home to Westmnster tube station. Why on earth in those circumstances should he need to avail himself of the second home allowance? The remnants of a Catholic guilt complex have just about survived his years in the parliament of whores, because after being caught he told theMail on Sunday that: He then tried to muddy the issue by claiming that Tory frontbenchers also abuse the allowance - true - which breaks the terms of the ceasefire on this issue agreed by whips from both parties. He then backtracked and said “that is entirely appropriate.” They really are all at it. McNulty has claimed over £100,000 from the allowance - despite him and his quangocrat wife receiving an income from the taxpayers of some £1/3 million a year. Do you think there is any chance he will repay it - if he thinks it inappropriate to claim it now - surely it was inappropriate in the past as well? Like Spelman he should have to repay what he cheated from the taxpayers and be grateful he isn’t facing charges for obtaining monies by deception. Guido wants to remind readers that the parliamentary committee set up to review the system - following repeated exposure of MPs defrauding the taxpayers - is recommending that the rules be changed to make the fiddle permissable. MPs deciding MPs should continue to be able to get away with ripping off the taxpayers. They really do like to stick their snouts in the taxpayer’s trough and crap it out on the public.
City Minister Myners Ran Tax Haven Firm - Sunday TimesSUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2009
Reality Shows
McNulty Should Pay Back His Fiddle
Monday, 23 March 2009
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Britannia Radio