Saturday, March 07, 2009
America's Fascist Foes Smell Blood
Early Warning....
America's enemies are plotting its destruction. They reason the country is so economically weak it can be plunged into chaos and collapse through a series of combination punches--international crises coupled with terrorist strikes, including 9/11-scale mega-attacks and Mumbai-style swarming attacks.
Who are these enemies? North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda--and Venezuela and Cuba. China, too. The People's Liberation Army--China's real ruler--intends to take advantage of America's troubles in order to take back Taiwan, which it regards as a renegade province. A crisis or conflict with the self-ruled island will be used to channel popular anger away from China's dangerously severe economic downturn.
Not since the rise of Nazi Germany and the Great Depression has the United States been confronted with such frightening challenges. America's fascist foes believe their time has come, and they are not inclined to be swayed by speeches or sanctions. They figure the U.S. has been fatally hollowed out and sold short by its insatiably greedy and hypocritical ruling class--the crooks on Wall Street and the creeps in corporate board rooms--which happily exported the country's jobs and capital to supposedly peacefully rising China. The people who plan to put America into an early grave cannot be appeased or bribed. They smell blood in the water....
- Andre Pachter
Saturday, 7 March 2009
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Britannia Radio