Saturday, March 07, 2009
Obama Seeks Muslim Capital for Speech on Islam
Dateline USA....
China Confidential has learned that America's first Muslim-born President (according to the Islamic religion, which traces religious identity through the father) and Appeaser-in-Chief is desperately seeking a "Muslim capital" venue for a speech on Islam--without creating a diplomatic incident--in order to fulfill an idiotic campaign promise (and a private pledge to Muslim friends and benefactors).
Obama intends to visit Turkey; but continuing tensions between Turkey's Islamist-leaning and -rooted government and staunchly secular military (which the United States has stupidly blocked from taking charge) excludes an Ankara platform.
It is increasingly clear that Obama is addicted to campaigning. He is happiest on the road, preaching and posing for pictures.Obama Seems Eager to Appease America's Enemies
Dateline USA....
As if to confirm the worst suspicions of his critics, President Obama is pursuing a policy of appeasement toward America's worst enemies.
Click here for an attempt to appease nuclear-armed North Korea.
And here for an attempt to appease the Taliban by reaching out to supposed moderate elements within the dreaded, medieval movement. Moderate Islamists, like moderate Nazis, is an insult to the intelligence of every American.
To be fair to Obama, the bungling Bush administration failed to crush the Taliban and also failed to stop North Korea. And successive Democratic and Republican administrations dating to Carter and Reagan--who vowed to bring terrorists to justice before cutting and running from Lebanon--through the cowardly Clinton regime--have played into the hands of radical Islam.
No wonder Mao Zedong called the United States a paper tiger....
EDITOR'S NOTE: Obama will sell out Israel; and his Jewish advisers--men of the Left--will help him. Like collaborators of other times and places, the court Jews of Washington are prepared to pressure and squeeze Israel in order to supposedly save it from itself.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
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Britannia Radio