Saturday, March 21, 2009
Chinese Soldier Shot; Killers Get Away with His Gun
The Chinese government is treating the shooting death of an on-duty soldier as a terrorist attack, with police setting up checkpoints Friday and calling for a counterterrorism response.
Continue here.Inspired by Castro, Khamenei Seeks Security
China Confidential has learned that nuclear-arming Iran's supreme (clerical fascist) leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, believes the United States can be pressured into offering his Islamist regime a security guarantee--a non-intervention pledge similar to that given to Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro as a result of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Hence, the Ayatollah's speedy rebuff of U.S. President Obama's video appeal for improved relations between the two adversaries.
Iran's political leadership views Obama as being weak and naive, much the way the Soviet leadership and Castro saw U.S. President John F. Kennedy in the run-up to the Caribbean crisis.
Khamenei probably has no reason to fear the U.S. The White House has been considering assuring the Iranian mullahocracy that regime change is no longer an option for dealing with it, according to China Confidential sources, in order to entice Iran to stop short of actually producing a nuclear weapon. Appeasement is the order of the day in Washington. (That holds true for U.S. policy with regard to North Korea--a declared nuclear power--as well as Iran.) The Obama administration anxiously wants to end the Iranian nuclear standoff, even if resolving the matter means learning to live with a nuclear-armed Iran that refrains from declaring itself a nuclear power.
China Confidential analysts believe Iran is (a) capable of making at least one nuclear bomb today, and (b) only 12 to 18 months away from being able to mass-produce nuclear weapons--at least 50 devices--including warheads that could be placed atop long-range missiles.One out of 20 German Boys Belong to Neo-Nazis
North Korea Announces Air Route Closings
World, watch out!
That's the message from the planet's worst dictatorship, Stalinist/Kimist North Korea. It announced Saturday that it will close two aviation routes through its air space from April 4 through April 8 during a planned launch of a long-range rocket--a Taepodong-2--capable of hitting Alaska.
The secretive state--which combines totalitarian and criminal characteristics--says it will launch a civilian communication satellite. Baloney. North Korea, like its ally, Iran, is using space as a cover for development of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The rocket launch will violate a U.N. Security Council resolution imposed in 2006 after North Korea tested long range missiles and a nuclear weapon.
Japan and South Korea have warned North Korea it will face a strong international response if it goes ahead with the launch.
Japan has said it will attempt to shoot down missiles headed toward its territory.
Top U.S. military commanders told members of Congress this week the American military is probably capable of shooting down a long-range North Korean missile if it threatens U.S. territory.
China Confidential analysts say "probably" is not good enough.
In other news about North Korea, it appears to be holding two American journalists against their will. Ironically, the two U.S. citizens work for former Vice President Al Gore's news organization. Gore is an influential advocate of engaging--and appeasing--both North Korea and Iran. Click below for AP's video report.Iran's Real Ruler Rebuffs Obama's Appeal
Iran's supreme clerical fascist--the man who really rules the monstrous mullachocracy regardless of who serves as its president--today dismissed calls from U.S. President Barack Obama for a "new beginning" in relations between the two countries.
Speaking in the Shiite holy city of Mashhad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the U.S. is using "the slogan of change," but that he sees no real change in U.S. policy toward Iran.
Iran's top terrorist sponsor also asked how President Obama could congratulate Iranians marking the New Year holiday of Nowruz, but at the same time accuse them of supporting terrorists and seeking nuclear weapons.
In his notorious Norouz message to the Iranian people, a videotaped speech on the occasion of the traditional Iranian New Year (a holiday that predates Islam), Obama said Friday he is committed to diplomacy to address "serious differences" between the U.S. and Iran. Scroll for the stories.
Playing into Iranian Hands
China Confidential analysts say Obama is playing into Iranian hands. He appears weak as he pleads--or begs--for better relations while Iran proceeds with the development of nuclear arms and long-range ballistic missiles. Obama's policy of appeasement toward Iran, which is pursuing an imperialist foreign policy, could have catastrophic consequences for the West.
Click below to view an August 2008 video of the Ayatollah addressing his ignorant, fanatic followers. The video includes English subtitles. Watch, listen, read. This is the man who will soon have his finger on a nuclear trigger. This is the man Obama seeks to accommodate--and appease--in the name of preserving peace in the Middle East.
Instead of preventing war, however, appeasement of Khamenei and Islamist Iran will make war inevitable--on Iranian terms--just as appeasement of Hitler and Nazi Germany made World War II inevitable ... on Germany's terms.
Contrary to what Obama may believe, the Middle East is not a Chicago neighborhood in need of organizing. The mad mullahs are not some gang that can be bribed or appeased with concessions of turf and cash--a storefront poverty program here, a housing project there, a shower of no-show jobs, etc. Iran intends to overthrow the status quo--regionally and globally--by developing nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, destroying Israel, which Iran sees as the "Little Satan," and driving America--the "Great Satan"--out of the Middle East for once and all. Everything Obama is doing is helping Iran to achieve its strategic objectives.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Southwestern China is on high alert. Alexa Olesen reports from Beijing:
Approximately 5% of 15-year-old German males belong to neo-Nazi groups, a higher proportion than are involved in mainstream politics, according to a study released this week. Anti-Semitic crimes are also on the rise. Click here for the story.
posted by Confidential Reporter @ 1:25 PM links to this post
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