Saturday, 21 March 2009

The Sheriff - More Power Than the President
For many years, the people’s attention in the Battle for America has been directed toward the federal government and its offices. Candidates stand for the House and the Senate. Patriotic groups publish voting records of incumbents. Considerable time, effort and money are expended in support of candidates for President. After decades of such commendable activity, the record shows it is an utter failure. The danger to the nation is worse than it ever was......
by Alan Stang

Be Careful What You Buy in Christian Bookstores
For hundreds of years orthodox Christianity has held that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, by supernatural power, and that every word in it is true. (2 Tim 3:16) Thus, Scripture has the power, or right, to command how people of faith live their lives. Then theological liberalism rears its ugly head and attempts to undermine established truths. The theological liberal pretends to be a Christian (“progressive Christian” is preferable) as he or she blatantly and unapologetically undermines the Divine authority of the scriptures in matters of faith and life. As a result of the onslaught of liberal influences, the Church is in dire straits!.......
by Marsha West

The 2010 Census is Coming and I Smell a BIG Rat!
Obama and his team, for the first time in our nations history put the controls of Census taking into the White House. You may ask, why does the executive branch have to control a formally bi partisan, non-political structure? Why is the census so important to begin with? I’ll tell you why. It is.......
by Laurie Roth

The Decline of Freedom
The free bread of Rome has long been listed as a contributor to its decline as a nation and demise as a republic. Its vast systems of social welfare did not strengthen the poor, but in fact made them more apathetic and indolent. It also divided the people, with the working class resenting the poor because of the inevitable abuse of such systems. The early Roman republic, as it rose to prominence centuries before the first Emperor or Christ, depended entirely on free will contributions within a mutual network of voluntary care of their needy........
by Brother Gregory Williams

Terrorists Travel Freely Around Our Country
Time and again the point has been hammered home that the immigration benefits program has significant national security implications. Terrorists who attacked out nation often used the immigration benefits program as an embedding tactic as have spies and other nefarious individuals who understood that in order to "hide in plain sight" they needed to acquire lawful immigrant status and then United States citizenship........
by former INS agent, Michael Cutler, Ret.

Television’s ‘Judge Judy’: "The Old Guard has to Die off"
Judge Judy was very unhappy about something happening in the great state of California. The something she was unhappy about was voter ratification of a constitutional amendment barring "gay marriage.".......
by Attorney Constance Cumbey

The Paradox of Roads and Bridges
One of the greatest expressions of freedom in America was our ability to travel, to move to other locations, to choose other jobs, and to drive into and through the country at will, to drive into the farmland, the wilderness areas ­ deep into the forest and to experience the beauty of the nation through the freedom of mobility. This freedom connected us to.......
by Nancy Levant
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