Someone has suggested I might wish to clarify my apparent preference for
Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Imperial Japan over the United States.
For the record, I will say that the United States was the least evil of
this quartet, and that its defeat in its various conflicts with the
other three would not have been beneficial to the cause of human
This being said, the United States is a country founded on
institutionalised Anglophobia. Until about 1940, England was hated and
envied by Americans. Since then, it has been hated and despised. You can
see this in the manifest nonsense they preach to each other about their
"The Patriot". Or you can see it in the exaggeratedly quaint and
toothless version of England that people like Wilfred Hyde-White made a
career of selling. Or you can see it in the Hollywood convention whereby
villains have English accents. Or you can see it in their establishment
of Fenianism as a virtual religion in several places.
American Anglophobia is so widespread and unquestioned, it is almost
unnoticed. It is just like the racism you see in the Tom and Jerry
cartoons - where Americans until recently would have hotly insisted that
the black maid was affectionately portrayed.
Well, I do notice it. I also notice the mingled treason and naivety of
our own ruling class, who fell in love c 1900 with American cash and
then American power, and never wondered if the love was not
If I ever do come to power as the front man for a military coup, my
first and biggest problem will be facing down a United States that
stands by an international War on Drugs and money laundering, and by
forms of corporate capitalism and central banking inimical to free
enterprise and sound money, and that will not tolerate an independent
power acting in its own interests within its own sphere of interest.
What I like most about Mr Obama is:
He has sent back the bust of Winston Churchill;
He does not maintain even the pretence of the Anglophilia that has so
encouraged our own ruling class to speak of a "special relationship"
His election has been a source of shame and humiliation to the most
Anglophobic Americans;
Needless to say, I like his apparent willingness to give up on the use
of torture as an instrument of policy, and to pull back from some of the
wars started by his predecessor. But I doubt if he will continue with
these policies. It's enough that some of the most hard-core Anglophobes
and racists on the planet are having to put up with a coloured picture
in every federal building of what they call in private a "Goddamn
However - for the record - since England was not able to be in the 20th
century what it was in the 19th, I suppose America was the least awful
second best on offer.
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance
Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb
Linkedin Details: http://www.linkedin
Wikipedia Entry: http://tinyurl.
FREE download of my book - "Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives
Lost England, and How to Get It Back" - http://tinyurl.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio