Tuesday, 24 March 2009

State Apologizes to Paul, Barr & Baldwin Over MIAC Report
The uproar that ensued as a result of our original story about a document issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center which smeared third party supporters as potential domestic terrorists has forced the Missouri Department of Public Safety to issue an apology to Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr. However, references to people who are anti-abortion, anti-gun control, knowledgeable about the Constitution and even those who simply display political bumper stickers will remain.

• Civil Liberties Complaint Filed Against Jay Nixon for Abuse of State Law Enforcement; Temporary Restraining Order Sought Against Nixon in U.S. District Court 

Hennecke: Trillion Dollar Bailouts Will Lead To Destruction Of Western Currencies
Associate Director of Tyche Martin Hennecke warned in a CNBC interview this morning that actions such as the Treasury's announcement today to buy $1 trillion more of toxic debt, allied with last week's announcement by the Fed to throw a further $1 trillion at the problem, is merely a continuation of what caused the crisis in the first place and that such measures will ultimately lead to the destruction of major western currencies and staggering hyperinflation.

Death squad leader ‘was top CIA agent’ 
THE LATE President Milosevic’s secret police chief and organiser of Serb death squads during the genocidal ethnic cleansing of disintegrating Yugoslavia was the United States’ top CIA agent in Belgrade, according to the independent Belgrade Radio B92.