Two British soldiers were killed and four other people injured yesterday when masked gunmen opened fire on a group of soldiers outside the Massereene Barracks in Antrim. Tonight, the Real IRA claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack followed hard on the heels of a warning by Sir Hugh Orde, head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, that the threat against his... Here is what he said on Iran-backed Press TV on January 18: What is happening in Gaza is a crime against humanity. It is a moral issue and we are all morally responsible now, wherever we live, to help the people of Gaza. I am suggesting that there is something that we could do, for example, there is a British naval base in Cyprus. We should use Royal Navy warships to escort the ship carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza. We should use the Royal Air Force to fly into Gaza doctors, medical supplies, and also journalists, whom Daily Mail, 9 March 2009 One of the key aspects of a free society is the independence of the medical profession from the state. All professions are bound by a code of ethics which ensures that they always put the interests of the public who use their services above any outside interference. When it comes to the practice of medicine this protection for the public is of the utmost importance, since doctors have the power to affect the continuation of life itself. That’s why their cardinal rule is ‘first do no harm’, and why the Hippocratic Oath which frames their ethical guidelines states ‘a physician shall always bear in mind the obligation of preserving human life’. But now, astonishing as this may seem, the doctors’ own profession is changing its rules to force its members in certain circumstances actually to do harm. The issue concerns advance directives or ‘living wills’ through which people can indicate that, should they ever become so ill that they can no longer communicate their wishes, they want their treatment in those circumstances to be stopped. The General Medical Council has decided that if in future doctors ignore such directives and continue to treat such patients, they will be struck off the medical register. But surely, you may well say while rubbing your eyes in amazement, treating patients is what doctors are supposed to do? Think again. For in certain circumstances treatment is to be redefined as harm — because regardless of what may actually be in a patient’s best interests, to act against their wishes is now deemed to be harmful. The overriding priority now given to what people want, rather than what they need, was what lay behind the Mental Capacity Act which has given legal force to ‘living wills’. What that already means is that doctors can be prosecuted and jailed for assault if they treat a patient who has given an advance directive not to be saved. Even where such directives aren’t actually written down, doctors are expected to act upon what they believe to have been the patient’s wishes. But what people want when they express such a wish may be very different from how they feel when they actually find themselves in such a situation. The very possibility that a doctor might end the life of someone who might have changed their mind but be unable to communicate this is horrifying. Yet that is what the law now forces doctors to do. Since such patients who cannot communicate are intensely vulnerable, there is also a high possibility of their becoming victims of relatives with a vested interest in their deaths. For these reasons if nothing else, it is imperative that doctors are free to take decisions which they consider to be in the best interests of their patient at that time. Yet this is what the law now prohibits — and what the General Medical Council will now strike them off the register for doing. As a result, the terrible truth is that doctors will now be struck off and may be sent to prison for refusing to kill their patients. How on earth did this country arrive at such a monstrous situation? And how can the medical profession go along with such a betrayal of its deepest ethical principles? The crucial point is what is now included in the accepted definition of ‘treatment’. It has always been an important medical principle that no patient should be forced to have treatment against their will. Patients have always had the right to refuse treatment, whatever the consequences to their own lives. Ever since the landmark case of Tony Bland, however — the Hillsborough disaster victim whose feeding tubes were disconnected after he was left in a persistent vegetative state — ‘treatment’ has been held to include giving patients food and liquids through feeding tubes. But although the tubes involve a medical procedure, food and drink are not ‘treatment’. They are simply what we all need in order to stay alive. And so stopping feeding someone who would not otherwise die is simply and straightforwardly to kill them. This redefinition of feeding as ‘treatment’ has opened the way for countless vulnerable people — mainly elderly — to have their feeding tubes disconnected, often to the horror of their families who try to stop their relatives being killed in this way. Now this deeply disturbing situation has been complicated further by ‘living wills’, in which people themselves say in advance that in certain circumstances they want their life to be brought to an end. To give doctors no choice but to comply forces them to act against their ethical principles and their conscience. Although dissident doctors can refer patients in this situation to another doctor who has no such qualms, this still makes them complicit in causing a patient to die. The redefinition of killing as ‘treatment’ and refusing to kill as ‘harmful’ is the kind of mind-bending, Orwellian abuse of language and power that one associates with totalitarian regimes. Recently, the chattering classes made a tremendous song and dance about the state’s erosion of liberty through the ’surveillance society’. But when the Mental Capacity Act was passed, forcing doctors on pain of prosecution to kill their patients, there wasn’t a squeak of protest from such people. Now the General Medical Council is even going one step further on the grounds that it is only bringing medical regulation into line with the law. Haven’t we all heard this before, when doctors in Nazi Germany said they were ‘only obeying orders’ in conducting their murderous ‘experiments’ on the victims of that regime? Doctors surely have an absolute duty to resist such an odious law. One might have thought, indeed, that the General Medical Council would be in the forefront of protesting about it at every stage. Dream on. The disturbing fact is that many leading doctors no longer have a clear ethical sense at all. Many of them subscribe to the amoral doctrine now prevalent in our society, which dismisses the motivation behind people’s actions and focuses instead entirely upon the consequences. As a result, such doctors don’t see any real difference between allowing someone who is already dying to die without needlessly prolonging their suffering — which their ethical codes have always bound them to do — and deliberately killing them. Such doctors are also being drawn into the sinister and manipulative campaign to soften up the country for euthanasia by playing on people’s fear of dying in extreme pain or suffering or, even worse, being consciously trapped inside a body that has lost all other capacity. The string of well-publicised cases of people travelling to foreign euthanasia clinics or campaigning to change the law to allow others to help them do so has helped foster the view that it is a denial of human rights to stop people being killed if they want that to happen. The terrible irony is that, out of the similar fear of hideous suffering which leads people to make ‘living wills’, they may be instructing doctors to cause them to suffer by starving and dehydrating them to death. For doctors to face losing their livelihood and their freedom if they refuse to subject their patients to this hideous fate is grotesque, and another step towards the clinical brutalisation of Britain.Sunday, 8th March 2009
Replacing the sheep
Oh dear. Just when the forces of surrender engagement had steamrollered any opposition to talking to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taleban, Syria, Iran and any other enemy of civilisation they could find to make nice with -- all on the basis that the Northern Ireland ‘peace process’ proved that through talking to terrorists swords would be beaten into ploughshares and lions lie down with lambs -- Northern Ireland terrorism picked up its automatic weapons and started firing again.The anti-anti-fascist
There is a general view in Britain that the veteran Labour politician Tony Benn is some kind of National Treasure, whose opinions – however extreme or off-the-wall they may be -- are to be treated indulgently and even with admiration.
Monday, 9 March 2009
March 9, 2009
When doctors are ordered to kill
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Britannia Radio