Why it's called a "workforce" is beyond me since its main objective is to be in combat. I ask you, why would we need more combat forces than the police, the National Guard, the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines? Could it be because of the video I posted yesterday? Looks like someone might have an inferiority complex and some serious concerns about our fighting forces' loyalty. {...}Sunday, March 15, 2009
Obama Reverses Himself On Embryonic Stem cells..After Two Days!
Since the current occupant of the White House is an avid fan of abortion, even to the point of mandating that babies who survive an abortion be allowed to die of neglect, this was hardly a shocker.
But then, a mere two days later came the old switcheroo, buried in the 465-page omnibus appropriations bill that Obama signed Wednesday.
Known as the Dickey-Wicker amendment, it's been part of the annual funding for the Department of Health and Human Services for over a decade, and explicitly prohibits funding for "(1) the creation of a human embryo or embryos for research purposes; or (2) research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death."
It not only prohibits the government from providing tax dollars to support research that kills or risks injury to human embryos, it specifically mandates an all-inclusive definition of “human embryo” that encompassesany human life even if created in a laboratory through cloning, in vitro fertilization or any other technology.
Sooo..what is President Barry Zero up to?
I see three possibilities: one, he simply didn't realize that the Dickey-Wicker Amendment was part of what he was signing; two, this was a window to allow well-connected `friends of Obama' to dump some stock they held (or short it) in companies specializing in embryonic stem cell research at a profit after it was artificially pumped up by the highly publicized White House announcement and make a tidy profit; or three he's planning an attack on Dickey-Wicker in Congress.
As a matter of fact, there's nothing to stop the any two of these from being true.
For the record, embryonic stem cell research has been almost entirely a waste of time, although a great deal of significant and valuable discoveries have been made using ADULT stem cells. The embryonic stem cells tend to mutate quickly and be unstable, which is why this research has mainly been a means to funnel government grants and taxpayer funds at certain scientists and companies specializing in the area. In states likeCalifornia, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts and New York, the treasure trove runs into the billions.It's almost as lucrative as global warming.Saturday, March 14, 2009
Obama's 'Domestic Security Force'
Apparently the One is pretty wedded to proceeding with this plan. As Doug Ross reveals he re-emphasized it again at the dedication ceremony of the National Defense University's Abraham Lincoln Hall:On February 16, I noted a little-publicized Department of Defense Directive (Number 1404.10), which establishes a "DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce" and rescinds a prior (and longstanding) directive dealing with the emergency use of civilian personnel.
The new 1404.10 cancels the prior directive of the same designation ("Emergency-Essential (E-E) DoD U.S. Citizen Civilian Employees"), which was issued in 1992 under President Clinton. The 1992 directive specifically deals with overseas deployments of civilian personnel. It does not mention terms like "restoration of order" or "stability operations", prominently featured in the new directive.In fact, those functions are central to the mission of President Obama's new DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce. The 1992 directive mentions the term "overseas" no fewer than 33 times. The 2009 directive does not mention the term "overseas" in the body of the directive even once.
News flash: the Constitution defined a civilian national security force. It was all of us. It was established and protected by the Second Amendment.
Blogpal Megan Fox notes this as well, and her take is especially relevantas she lives in Obama's old home town of Chicago, has seen what the Chosen One and his allies think of that Second Amendment and noted the results first hand:
Obama's Chicago, you may not know, has the toughest and most numerous gun laws in the nation. We are one of only two states left in the Union that does not allow conceal-carry legislation. Chicago and several surrounding suburbs have "hand-gun bans" which were just recently declared unconstitutional by the Supremes. This still has not swayed our illustrious Mayor, King Richard. (Who is surrounded by armed guards 24 hours a day. Also, note that our Aldermen also carry handguns on them everywhere they go but if you or I do it, we'll be sent to jail.) Gun laws in Obama's Chicago are only for the little people to follow.
A report came out stating that 26 school-aged children have been shot dead since the school year started. This has set off the predictable wailing mommies leaning on Jesse Jackson while he gets his face time under the hot lights of the cameras. He is again calling for a gun grab. Clearly, gun laws in Obama's Chicago don't work. {..}
And while Obama's Chicago burns to the ground in a war zone that is claiming more lives than the insurgents in Iraq, the Democrats are whining about grabbing my guns. Guns that have never been used to harm anyone and would only be used to defend my families' and my life. (And possibly bag a deer when the grocery stores run out of food.)
Pop Quiz: How do you disarm a population?Answer: Create a Jack-booted Civilian Brown Shirted Black Panther Brigade to come and take them by force. How does that saying go again? From my cold dead fingers....
She has it exactly right. The Founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution precisely because they realized that a disarmed population was subject to the whims and tyranny of a dictatorial government.
With the cuts in our military budget Obama is ramming through in the new budget,one has to wonder...is this where the funding for Obama's'domestic security force' is coming from? And for that matter, if a domestic security force was needed at all, say, to patrol our southern borders, why not just expand the National Guard?
Or could it be that, as Megan notes, the Chosen One has doubts and prefers a force organized on the lines he dictates and loyal to him personally?
Sunday, 15 March 2009
President Obama, in a highly publicized bit of political theater signed an executive order last Monday, March 9th reversing a 2001 executive order that President Bush had signed that allowed federal funds for research involving embryonic stem cell lines that was already in progress using embryos that had already been destroyed, but denying federal funding for new research that required the killing of any additional embryos.
Remember this?
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Britannia Radio