Supreme Court Strikes Down FDA Pre-emption
In a stunning and unexpected 6-3 ruling the right-leaning Supreme Court went against the wishes of the last president, took the wind out of the sails of health care reform of the current president, sent irresponsible Big Pharma a major wake up call, and bluntly told the arrogant FDA that they are indeed not above the rule of law. It is a major victory for every American citizen. Central to the issue is a.......
by Byron Richards
The United Shame of America
The country is in flames. Everyone is pointing fingers, and 95 percent of the nation’s people are going down. Homes, private property, bank accounts, investments, retirement, automobiles, quality food, health, education, and faith in God are sinking like stones cast with ultimate vengeance. We say goodbye to what was a magnificent attempt to govern with a moral combination of faith, order, liberty, and freedom which, in the final analysis, required the people, themselves, to govern. It didn’t happen the people didn’t want the job........
by Nancy Levant
Could Obama do much worse the first few months?
The gifts of the first few months. Obama has moved to nationalize banks and health care. He and his administration play word games with us by calling it partnerships instead of national takeovers. They can call it Pee Wee Herman’s financial playhouse for all I care. It’s still socialism and nationalism! Then there is the total betrayal of manipulating health care criteria and payments!.......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 6 March 2009
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Britannia Radio