Thursday, March 26, 2009
Same Old Story - The Charges of IDF "Wanton Killing" In Gaza Crumble
It's like clockwork.
Every time Israel defends itself, you can make book that some body is going to accuse those awful Joos of committing massacres or worse on those poor defenseless Arabs. Who of course who not harm so much as a Jewish bunny rabbit.
There's even what amounts to an entire industry dealing with this. TheMohammed al-Dura fraud, the Qana Strike, the so-called Jenin 'massacre', the fiction about how broke and destitute the Palestinians are even after all that aid money are some of it's greatest hits. It's all part of a fictional narrative designed to delegitimize Israel and promote the Arab cause..with a kinky subtext that Jewish lives and Jewish blood don't matter nearly so much, because the dinosaur media never publicizes them in the same manner.
Israel's offensive to stop Hamas from firing rockets and mortars at Israel's civilians is no different.It was not Hamas who were condemned in the media and by the UN for their aggression and their cynical use of non-combatants as human shields. It was Israel, for daring to defend themselves.
The UN accused the IDF of deliberately targeting and firing on a UN school, which later turned out to be an outright lie, and the analysis of casualties proved that the vast majority of Arab casualties in Gaza wereHamas combatants ( amazing when you think of it, considering howHamas hid behind women and children in an urban area).
The latest attempt to malign the IDF came from the Israeli Left, in the person of one 'activist' with a long history of this kind of stuff named Danny Zamir , who spread stories about alleged IDF atrocities in Gaza that made it into Ha'aretz, Israel's equivalent of the New York Times that hardly anyone reads over there.
From Ha'aretz, this spread to the New York Times and the British press ( naturally) as well as a number of papers in the Arab World.
Upon investigation, these charges turned out to be pure fiction as well:
The brigade commander of the unit linked to alleged “wanton killings” in Gaza launched his own investigation after hearing of the charges, speaking with actual eyewitnesses, all of whom said that the alleged killings did not take place. The original charges, based only on hearsay and rumors, have therefore been refuted and should be retracted.
The brigade commander’s findings were reported in the Israeli newspaperMaariv, in a story titled IDF Investigation Refutes the Testimonies About Gaza Killings. According to the story (translation by CAMERA):
Two central incidents that came up in the testimony, which Danny Zamir, the head of the Rabin pre-military academy presented to Chief of Staff Gaby Ashkenazi, focus on one infantry brigade. The brigade’s commander today will present to Brigadier General Eyal Eisenberg, commander of the Gaza division, the findings of his personal investigation about the matter which he undertook in the last few days, and after approval, he will present his findings to the head of the Southern Command, Major GeneralYoav Gallant.
Regarding the incident in which it was claimed that a sniper fired at a Palestinian woman and her two daughters, the brigade commander’s investigation cites the sniper: “I saw the woman and her daughters and I shot warning shots. The section commander came up to the roof and shouted at me, 'Why did you shoot at them?’ I explained that I did not shoot at them, but I fired warning shots.”
Officers from the brigade surmise that fighters that stayed in the bottom floor of the Palestinian house thought that he hit them, and from here the rumor that a sniper killed a mother and her two daughters spread.
The other alleged incident, the killing by a sniper of an elderly woman, also seems not to have taken place:
Regarding the second incident, in which it was claimed that soldiers went up to the roof to entertain themselves with firing and killed an elderly Palestinian woman, the brigade commander investigation found that there was no such incident.
It seems the both Ha’aretz and the New York Times, which gave these stories great play despite a clear lack of evidence, should be composing forthright corrections – preferably to be run on the front page. (...)
Ha’aretz, the New York Times, and most other outlets covering this controversy have ignored detailed statements by other soldiers of the strict rules of engagement that they followed, and of their acts of kindness towards Palestinians. (The Times devoted all of one sentence to a soldier who said that Israeli soldiers put their own lives at risk to avoid harming Palestinians. And the lone sentence was buried towards the end of the article.)
The Israeli newspaper Yediot recounted some of these in reaction to the Ha’aretz stories:
"I don’t believe there were soldiers who were looking to kill (Palestinians) for no reason," said 21-year-old Givati Brigade soldierAssaf Danziger, who was lightly injured three days before the conclusion of Operation Cast Lead.
"What happened there was not enjoyable to anyone; we wanted it to end as soon as possible and tried to avoid contact with innocent civilians," he said.
According to Danziger, soldiers were given specific orders to open fire only at armed terrorists or people who posed a threat. "There were no incidents of vandalism at any of the buildings we occupied. We did only what was justified and acted out of necessity. No one shot at civilians. People walked by us freely," he recounted.
In the same article Yediot also quoted other soldiers:
A Paratroopers Brigade soldier who also participated in the war called the claims "nonsense". Speaking on condition of anonymity, he said "It is true that in war morality can be interpreted in many different ways, and there are always a few idiots who act inappropriately, but most of the soldiers represented Israel honorably and with a high degree of morality.
"For instance, on three separate occasions my company commander checked soldiers' bags for stolen goods. Those who stole the smallest things, like candy, were severely punished," he said.
"We were forbidden from sleeping in Palestinians' beds even when we had no alternate accommodations, and we didn’t touch any of their food even after we hadn't had enough to eat for two days."
"During one incident, we were informed that a female suicide bomber was heading in our direction, but even when women approached us and crossed a certain point we made do with firing in the air, or near the women," the soldier recalled. "Even when we came across deserted stores, we didn’t even think of taking anything. One soldier took a can of food, but he immediately returned it after everyone yelled at him."
Major (res.) Idan Zuaretz of Givati said "in every war there is a small percentage of problematic soldiers, but we must look at it from a broad perspective and not focus on isolated incidents."
Zuaretz, a company commander, also questioned the integrity of the soldiers who made the controversial claims, saying "if this was such a burning issue for them, why have they remained silent until now? On an ethical and moral level, they were obligated to stop what they claimed had occurred and not wait two months to be heard at some esoteric debate."
According to the officer, the IDF went to great lengths and employed the most advanced technology to avoid harming civilian population.
"I've seen a few things in my time, but even I was blown away by the level of professionalism displayed by the army," Zuaretz said. "I personally gave my soldiers an order on the day we withdrew from Gaza to leave all of our goodies in the last house we occupied. Some reservists even left an envelope full of money to one Palestinian family."
Another soldier who had fought in Gaza, Yishai Goldflam, circulated an open letter to the Palestinian family whose home his unit had temporarily occupied during the fighting. His letter, titled “I am the soldier who slept in your home,” was published in Maariv, and then translated and published in Canada’s National Post. Goldflam too spoke of the care he and his fellow soldiers had taken to minimize damage to the home:
I spent many days in your home. You and your family's presence was felt in every corner. I saw your family portraits on the wall, and I thought of my family. I saw your wife's perfume bottles on the bureau, and I thought of my wife. I saw your children's toys and their English-language schoolbooks. I saw your personal computer and how you set up the modem and wireless phone next to the screen, just as I do.
I wanted you to know that despite the immense disorder you found in your house that was created during a search for explosives and tunnels (which were indeed found in other homes), we did our best to treat your possessions with respect. When I moved the computer table, I disconnected the cables and laid them down neatly on the floor, as I would do with my own computer. I even covered the computer from dust with a piece of cloth.
I know that the devastation, the bullet holes in your walls and the destruction of those homes near you place my descriptions in a ridiculous light. Still, I need you to understand me -- us -- and hope that you will channel your anger and criticism to the right places. I decided to write you this letter specifically because I stayed in your home...
It’s unfortunate that New York Times and Haaretz readers are fed constant doses of the anti-Israel story-of-the-day, while the papers ignore the stories of typical Israeli soldiers like Yishai Goldflam. Times editors (and their counterparts at Haaretz) should explain why DannyZamir is fit to print, and Yishai Goldflam is not fit to print.
The IDF appears to be judged by harsh criteria that no other army in the world is subjected to - just like Israel itself. It's about time it stopped.
', 'Left Attempting To Bankrupt Palin Family
Tom Delay said it best: "These days, the Left doesn't just want to defeatyou politically. They're not happy until they destroy you and your family personally."
Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is learning that first hand:Since Alaska governor Sarah Palin was named John McCain's running mate, her foes and various Alaskan liberals have begun a new exercise, attempting to bankrupt the Palin family through legal fees, by filingendless ethics complaints against her.
In her term, ten ethics complaints and 150 FOIArequests have been filed. (One of the complaints, about improperly firing her state public-safety commissioner, predates her national prominence.)
{and as we now know, that one turned out to be pure horse manure)
While holding elected officials accountable is laudable, most of the matters are beyond trivial. One of the complaints against her was for talking to reporters about the presidential campaign while she was in the governor's office. Another objected to her office press secretary offering a statement to clarify a statement put out by her political action committee. The latest complaint is thatPalin wore snow-machine gear advertising her husband Todd's sponsor, Arctic Cat Inc, while "in her official duties as governor" when she served as the "official starter" of the race.
Palin owes $500,000 in legal fees, almost four times her annual salary. She says she may be forced to create alegal defense fund.
Now, here's the thing...if it's cost the Palins a half mil in legal fees to fight stuff that ends up being tossed out of court, it's cost the people filing this ridiculous lawsuits money as well. Filing lawsuits, even if they're entirely frivolous costs money. There are filing fees, court costs, miscellaneous expenses like photocopying and the most expensive thing of all - the time involved. So where are all these people getting the money? Who's organizing this onslaught? WHO'S PAYING THE BILLS?
Since Sarah Palin is currently hugely popular among Republicans generally and likely to be a contender in 2012, now whom do you think might might have a huge interest in wanting to derail her by trying to bankrupt her and creating an aura of 'scandal' even when there's nothing there? Who would benefit?
Could it be, just maybe, the same folks who financed and executed the bogus 'Troopergate ' nonsense once they saw how popular Governor Palinwas and the way she totally changed the dynamics of the presidential campaign around so that Obama's victory wasn't quite such a sure thing? The people in the Obama campaign who sicced their media flacks on her and did things like indulging in wholesale 'astroturfing' and putting out an illegal video on Palin during the campaign through thinly disguised surrogates?.
Could it be the same folks who are in the White House even now planning the campaign to re-elect the Chosen One?
Draw your own conclusions.
If nothing else, this proves on thing..the Left and the Democrats are scared to death of this woman....and with good reason.
From what I've seen of Sarah Palin, this crap is just going to make her work all that much harder to win.
', '
Friday, 27 March 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio