Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Who Got Nicked at the Pickles Bash?

Following a party thrown by Eric Pickles a drunken fracas took place - inquiring minds want to know who got nicked and had to sober up in the cells?  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt…

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Betting on Inflation" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 68, 119); ">Bank of England Pension Fund Surges Betting on Inflation

Bank of England Pension FundGuido is one of the small number of British market commentators who does not buy into the deflation scenario - Liam Halligan is another - it is just too convenient an excuse for politicians to print money.

The Bank of England pension fund is managed on behalf of a very select and savvy group of people with access to a lot of market insight - the employees of the central bank.  With great market timing the fund sold out of equities entirely at the end of 2006 cutting a 21.6% holding down to 0.1%, thus avoiding a 35%  drop in UK equities since that time.  Awesome market timing, the fund was consequently up 12% last year when all around markets crashed.

The fund’s holding of Index Linked Gilts has shot up from 25.6% of assets to a 70.7% proportion of assets during the same period.  That is a big bet of the pension pot owned by everyone who works at the Bank of England.  Index Linked Gilts are linked to RPI - the inflation rate - you buy them if you are worried about inflation.  They are a hedge against inflation.

Hold on, if deflation is (as the political elite and their client media commentators claim) the big threat, why is the Bank of England’s pension fund betting 3/5 of the £2.2 billion pot on hedging against inflation?  This is their personal pension fund.  Money talks.

Source : Bank of England Pension Report [pdf]

Hat-tip : Peter Oborne