Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Obama Pays Off An Old Campaign Debt - Chicago Style
Before that, he was the partisan hack who led the charge against Governor Palin during the presidential campaign with the phoney 'Troopergate scandal' that turned out to be total horse manure once the election was over.
', 'Russia Tells Obama "Get Bent!"
Absolutely unbelievable.
In six weeks, not only has Obama ticked off the Israelis and India, now he's added our allies in Eastern Europe to the list!
Apparently Obama wrote a confidential letter to the Kremlin, offering the Russians a deal - the US would end any plans for missile defense systems in Eastern Europe (in spite of the agreements we've already signed with Poland and the Czech Republic)in exchange for Russia's help in curtailing Iran's nukes.
The Russians said they were all for discussing the proposed US missile shield with the US...but that any attempt to haggle ( and that was the exact word President Medvedev used) by linking those talks with anything to do with Iran's nuclear weapons program was 'unproductive'.
Nyet, nichevo, dos vedanyah Gospodin Obama!
It's one thing to sell out you rallies, but it's something to have it come out publicly and something else again when that kind of betrayal isn't even accepted by the people you're trying to dicker with.
This is the president of the United States we're talking about, trying to run out on our allies behind their backs and getting caught at it. This seems like the sort of idea that would come from Slo-Joe Biden.
This is particularly distasteful in the case of Poland, who sent troops to Iraq to fight with us. I can only imagine what they and the rest of the old Soviet empire are thinking right now.
The Russians have a huge investment in Iran, and in any case, with Bushehr completed ( plus who knows what else) and the Iranian satellite proving that they have the ballistic missile capability to hit Europe, it's doubtful that Putin could put the brakes on Iran even if he wanted to. After all, from Russia's standpoint, the best that could happen is a rise in the price of crude because of Iran blackmailing the west through the Persian Gulf oil routes.
Welcome to amateur hour at the White House. It will take a long time to undue the damage now being done.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Alaska Democrat State Senator Kim Elton has a brand new job, courtesy of the White House. He's now director of Alaska affairs for the U.S. Department of the Interior, essentially a well paid job in DC with a fancy salary and perks with minimum responsibilities.
But in the meantime. Governor Palin had spend valuable time during the campaign to keep fighting unfounded charges of abuse of power becuase she fired a renegade, loose cannon tazer-happy State Trooper. Ultimately she was cleared of any wrongdoing. ..after the election was over.
And now, it looks like one of the primary architects of a highly public smear job the media had a field day with is getting his reward - Chicago style.
That's the kind of change we can believe in..trust me on that one. ')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_to()" class="snap_noshots" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 204); ">
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Britannia Radio