Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Libertas to Stand in Euro Elections in the UK

Iain Dale 11:52 AM

Excuse me if I can't get terribly excited about the announcement this morning by Libertas that they will field candidates in Britain in the European elections. It's not clear to me what they are really offering, beyond opposition to the Lisbon Treaty. Well, the Conservatives and UKIP already offer that, so what exactly is the point of Libertas, beyond being an outlet for Declan Ganley's increasingly large ego? Ganley did a brilliant job with the Irish referendum, and I can't help thinking that his efforts would be better directed in campaigning for a No vote in the second Irish referendum. But the whole experience seems to have gone to his head.

I think Libertas will find it difficult to make headway here without a charismatic figurehead. Ganley has appointed ex soldier Robin Matthews as UK leader of Libertas. He had to appoint him, since they clearly don't have enough members to hold one of those quaint old things called a leadership election.

Libertas's only hope is to somehow capture the public imagination like they managed to in Ireland. I can't see how that is possible when they are spreading themselves to thinly over 27 countries, and when they don't seem to have anyone at the top capable of capturing the media's attention - apart from Ganley himself.

New Mail Political Editor Announced

Iain Dale 11:07 AM

It has just been announced that James Chapman will succeed Ben Brogan as the Daily Mail's political editor, with Tim Shipman rejoining the Mail as his deputy after a two two year sojourn in the States as the Sunday Telegraph's Washington correspondent. Chapman's appointment will be a very popular one, particuarly among his colleagues at the Mail, where he is well liked. Tim Shipman is a good friend and I'm delighted he will be back in the lobby. He did a brilliant job in Washington and I know he enjoyed it hugely - who wouldn't? - but now the presidential election is over, coming back to the lobby was an offer he could hardly refuse.