Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Prize Winner

Guido is inclined to belatedly give the prize for last week's caption competition to Apricot Fox who (a) managed to grasp the contest rules (b) come up with a credible potential thought for the Head of Protocol greeting Gordon on the Brown carpet with his trousers tucked in his sock.

Bemuses Guido that so many when asked to describe what she is thinking,put words in the Prime Mentalist's mouth. You losers.

"Gee, you are a great Cyclops...I mean, CYCLIST!"

If Apricot Fox emails Guido her address he'll get round to mailing her A History of Political Trials: From Charles I to Saddam Hussein and a copy ofThe Big Red Book of New Labour SleazeCongratulations.*

*Congratulations also to Hugo Rifkind for getting an advice column out of the picture.