'The Labour politician with the highest expenses claim of any London MP has denied that he was cheating taxpayers by claiming a second-home allowance while maintaining that his main home is a single-bedroom schoolhouse and seaside caravan 70 miles from his constituency. Defiant Left-winger Harry Cohen said: 'When MPs were given this allowance they were told "Go and spend it, boys" and that is what I have done. It is my right'.'
Now We Need ID Papers for a Trip to the Isle of Wight 'Passengers on ferries to the Isle of Wight [journeys of between 10 and 35 minutes!] and Scottish islands such as Mull and Skye will soon have to carry identity papers to comply with new police anti-terror powers. And travellers flying between British cities or to Northern Ireland face having their personal data logged when booking tickets and checking in. Until now ferry passengers on most routes in Britain have not been required to produce ID and internal flight passengers only face random police checks. But under new Government security rules that will come into force next year, personal data, including name, date of birth and home address, will be typed into a computer record for the police by the booking clerk or travel agent. Passengers will also face further ID checks when boarding their flight or ferry.' EU is a Disaster Worse Than the Recession 'In 2001 I gave to the Conservatives what was, I believe, the biggest donation they had ever received and I continue to remain a regular supporter. Yet I shall vote UKIP in the European elections on 4 June and I have just given them a decent donation. Why? The answer is simple. The European Union (the EU) is a disaster, even worse than the recession because the recession will end some time but the EU may not. I want the voters, in the European elections, to send a clear message to the leading parties that they really do mind intensely about the massive harm our membership is doing to us.' Read more...Think! 'You'll be familiar with the term 'thought police'. That department of Elite Mission Control is very active right now because the mind programme wants to completely shut down independent thought. Independent thought, which requires an open mind, will call into question what it feels is not 'right'. And since less and less is feeling right, the more closed minds there are, the more the elite can get away with keeping their dastardly plan hidden. It's getting harder for them to do that so they are trying to shut down minds faster. Let me show you something I call into question and put firmly in the category of Mind Control.' Obama Holds 'Very Pleasant Meeting' With Top Bankers 'US President Barack Obama met behind closed doors for more than an hour and a half with the chief executives of the largest American banks on Friday, reassuring the titans of finance that his administration has their best interests at heart. According to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, the meeting's agenda included the Obama administration's "toxic asset" purchase program, proposals for regulation of the finance industry, and executive compensation. Every aspect of the administration's economic policy caters to the interests of the financial elite, of which the president is merely a mouthpiece. The private meeting at the White House had the air of a conspiracy against the public, a gathering to discuss carving up state resources in order to hand them over to the banks and major investors.' Medvedev Turns Down US Bribe on Iran 'The Kremlin has ruled out the possibility of a trade-off between nuclear cooperation with Iran and a controversial US missile defense system. Obama's drive to reset relations with Moscow took a huge stride last month when reports claimed that the White House might forgo the defense shield in Eastern Europe if Moscow uses its relations with Iran and address US concerns about Tehran's nuclear efforts.' and the Dying Rags 'It is becoming popular to moan the death of US newspapers. Americans like to be romantic, nostalgic, when things pass on. But the truth is newspapers are not just dying because of the Internet, shrinking advertising and dismal profits. US newspapers are dying because they became the prostitutes of commercialism and stopped telling the truth. Many people stopped buying newspapers because they became the rags of a corrupt industry. Too many journalists swallowed their pride, ignored their integrity and did what they had to do to pay the mortgage. They followed the marching orders of editors and publishers who forgot, or never knew, what journalism was intended to do. Television news became entertainment, a boiling sea of lies and half truths. It focuses on a few murders to hypnotize Americans. It sensationalizes and fuels the inherent racism. When it comes to promoting the war and warmongering corporations, no one does it better than television news, regurgitating US press releases as if those were truth.' |