'We'll Kill Freed Terrorists,' Brothers Warn
Victims of terrorism
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Adar 20, 5769, 16 March 09 05:49
by Maayana Miskin(IsraelNN.com) Many Israelis who have lost loved ones to terrorist attacks have protested the government's plan to release terrorists who have murdered in exchange for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. On Monday, brothers Meir and Shvuel Schijveschuuder issued an ultimatum: If the terrorists are freed, bereaved families will take the law into their own hands and kill the terrorists in revenge.
The brothers announced their plan to the world in an interview with the Hebrew-language daily Yediot Acharonot. The interview was printed on Monday morning.
The Schijveschuuder family was decimated in the 2001 bombing of the Sbarro restaurant in downtown Jerusalem. Parents Mordechai and Tzira were killed, as were 14-year-old Ra'aya, four-year-old Avraham Yitzchak and two-year-old Hemda.
Meir and Shvuel made it clear that they would go after all released killers, and not only those who attacked their family. “The plan is to reach each and every one who has Jewish blood on his hands and to give them a field trial – the meaning should be clear,” Shvuel said.
The brothers' announcement angered some bereaved families and delighted others. In the latter camp was Ze'ev Rap, whose 15-year-old daughter Helena was murdered by a terrorist in 1992. “I'm ready to help them and teach them how to do it,” he said.
“Whoever signs an order releasing my daughter's murderer is signing his fate... He will not leave Israel's borders alive,” Rap added.
Rap rejected accusations that those who threatened revenge were ignoring the rule of law. The politicians planning to release terrorists are ignoring the law, he alleged. “These murderers were sentenced in court. Who are the prime minister and the defense minister to violate a court order?... On the day the terrorists are released there will be no law and order in this country; it will be the 'Wild West.'”
Meir and Shvuel also denied that they were breaking the law. “We will act within the framework of the law of the land,” they said. “In the Palestinian Authority they go by the rule of 'an eye for an eye,' so we won't be breaking any law.”
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