Tuesday, 24 March 2009
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY March 24, 2009 Email: winston@winstonglobal.org Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at http://www.gamla.org.il/english & freeman.org Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator
We have just heard President Barack Obama plead with the Mullahs of Iran to "just dialogue with us and we Americans will "kiss" you with so much respect that all will be forgiven". Perhaps Obama with his extraordinary lack of experience and plentiful naivete has overlooked Europe’s kissing up to Iran for more than 30 years.
Nevertheless, the U.S. cannot allow the Mullahs to control the Gulf Oil States and the Saudi oil fields. Arabists in the Washington loop, including the State Department, many of the 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies, such as the advisory NIC (National Intelligence Council) , ‘et al’ do not wish to tweak Islam’s nose by having the U.S. strike Iran’s nuclear infrastructure first. To view the sites where Iran has scattered its various nuclear R&D plants, see the map in the August 2008 National Geographic Magazine which shows these sites in plain view.
Knowing that Israel will be one of the Mullahs first targets, according to the frequent proclamations of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, all of the above assumes that Israel will be forced into a live-or-die strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities.
That way the U.S. can claim they had no part of the "necessary" strike on Iran.
In fact, to prove how clean American hands were in the matter, the President, his Arabist advisors and the U.S. State Department will punish Israel in every way possible - after the strike - even to the point of breaking off relations.
Some will recall when Israel destroyed the French nuclear reactor (Osirak) in Iraq, how the U.S., Europeans, U.N. and Arabs went ballistic. The U.S. cut-off a shipment of F-16s Israel had paid for - among other penalties. However, all those seemingly angry nations were secretly delighted that the Jews had defanged Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capability just before the nuclear plant went live - especially when American soldiers entered the first Gulf War against Saddam’s attack and occupation of Kuwait.
In this case, as before, the nations who fear the Islamic backlash for daring to de-fang the Mullahs of Iran, want Israel to do the job but, they probably won’t say so out loud.
If Israel is successful, they will castigate Israel and possibly use Israel’s successful attack as an excuse to assemble a "Peace-Keeping Army" to bring foreign troops into the region so the world (read: OIL) will be safe.
The wheels of the Propaganda Machines in the White House, State Department and 16 Intel Agencies and their counterparts in Europe will be well-prepared to use the willing Leftist Media to slam Israel and get world propaganda so worked up that nothing they do against the Jewish State will cause objections.
I have written 7 articles in the past about "The Gathering of the Nations Against Israel". I have written about how NATO, now without a purpose or mission, is being prepped for a move against Israel under the dis-information that they are to be a "Peace Force". All of this is in motion even now.
"Two Birds With One Stone" would be an appropriate operation’s title. The Arabist State Department in linkage with the Multi-national Oil Companies and Oil countries and the Jew-killing Europeans have wanted Israel to be overrun ever since the U.N.’s partition of 1947. It was widely assumed that the well-armed Armies from 7 Arab Muslim countries would annihilate the minuscule new State of Israel armed only with World War 1 and 2 junk weapons they scavengered out of Europe - especially Czechoslovakia. Once those Arab armies overran the Jewish survivors of the Nazi death camps streaming into Israel, the "Solution to the World’s Jewish Problem"would be complete - or so they planned.
The U.S. under President Harry Truman and the Europeans in 1948 cut off all arms shipments to Israel, claiming they could not ship into a war zone. All were certain Israel would vanish in a sea of Arab soldiers. The partitioned area of Israel would be split up between the Arab armies of Egypt and Syria primarily. Naturally, the U.S. and Europe would send in supplies, body bags, medical equipment to ‘supposedly’ care for the Jewish survivors of the expected massacre in Israel and also show how concerned and humanitarian they were after this probable second Holocaust - which, of course, they participated in as much as they did in the first.
Now the "Two Birds With One Stone" plan supposedly knocks out Iran’s nuclear capability and then crushes Israel as righteous vengeance.
Suppose Israel adopted the same defensive attitude that the U.S. would rightfully take against invading forces.
Suppose Israel also adopted the NATO ‘raison d’etre’ (reason for being) which was to hold off and destroy Soviet troops invading Europe during the Cold War.
Suppose Israel objected to a conglomeration of forces coming to invade and control Israel - supposedly for the ‘good of all’.
Should Israel adopt the same defensive position as the incoming invaders and simply do their best to blow them out of the air and water? (Think about it!)
Because Israel was small and dependent upon re-supply from America, she bowed to pressure after each defensive war against the attacking Arab Muslims. She did not force a surrender and an authentic agreed peace.
Each time the Muslim Arabs lost a war, the U.S., Europe and the Russians stepped in to save the vaunted pride of the defeated Arabs and then sold them the arms to re-build for the next war. It was profitable business for the military/industrial complex of the West. Nothing like on-going wars for the arms manufacturers and their political regimes.
But now, Israel is faced with a radical Islamic regime which is building nuclear weapons that could obliterate Israel population centers. It’s no longer possible to please the West by sacrificing the Jewish nation.
Many see this in a different light. We Jews think that the Biblical prophecies are not children’s tales or myths. We Jews believe that the forecast of War between Gog and Magog will occur. We believe that it could be an Armageddon. Strangely, so do the Mullahs of Iran who strongly believe their Mahdi (their Muslim Messiah) will only come in the midst of a Holocaust (read: Nuclear War). They want it to come so they get a quick trip to Allah’s Warriors’ paradise with the promised rewards of rivers of Honey, 72 brown-eyed virgins, and all denied them on earth. So, Ahmadinejad will use Iran’s burgeoning nuclear capabilities to attack Israel. His missiles have demonstrated that his nuclear warheads can reach into Europe, Russia and, via submarines and/or ships, even hit America.
Will Ahmadinejad try to attack Israel despite Obama’s childish overture to dialogue? In a word, Yes! Especially if Israel is forced into surrendering more ancestral G-d given Jewish "Land for Peace", which would increase the Arab Muslim World’s perception that she is vulnerable.
In the Torah (Jewish Law) it is said that if a thief comes to kill you, it is permissible - even required - to kill him first. The Mullahs of Iran have pledged to kill Israel and later the Christian "infidels" (non-believers in Islam) within all nations.
It is time to kill Iran as Ahmadinejad increases Iran’s nuclear capabilities and missile accuracy and distance as he creeps up to kill Israel. Regrettably, rogue American Arabists side with the Mullahs, at least until they kill the Jewish State of Israel. Perhaps the chaos of the world, coupled with drought, famine, disease and destruction of the world’s rapidly failing money economies is merely the first phase of Gog making war across the Planet Earth.
Some know what happens to the nations for gathering against Israel. G-d Says: "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." For those who use computers, look up the "ring of fire", a 10,000 mile crack in the earth’s mantle. Should it open up a bit more, we would see a veritable linear volcanic wall of fire. Perhaps that is what is described in Biblical prophecy that "fire will sweep over the Islands" (Read: Nations).
But, if you don’t believe in all that mystical stuff, watch the money dissolve, the drying up of continents, the rampant incurable diseases like AIDS/HIV and MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) which even our best antibiotics cannot touch. Observe the rioting - especially the radical religious rioting - in some countries as overpopulation competes with dwindling food and water resources. Wait for the inner cities of America begin to writhe up in pain and burn down whatever is around them.
Historians (if there any left) will speak about his as a natural phenomenon. Observant Jews, familiar with Torah forecasts will take a different view.
Using Israel as a lightning rod to re-direct the pain of the nations is a huge mistake and for which we are all paying - even now!
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