Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Workers Are Protecting Their Own Interests 

Letter to European Voice, February 2009 


Charles Woolfson's surprise at the reaction of British workers to the employment of Italian migrants by a French company on a major UK energy project is itself surprising.  (Running Wild, Running Scared, 5 February issue.)  Where has he been these last few years? 

Tens of thousands of indigenous British are out of work and unable to find new employment because potential jobs are held by foreign migrants.  This is particularly the case with the public sector, because the British government's staffing policies proactively encourage the employment of migrants at the expense of British subjects?   

The current civil unrest is largely a wound self-inflicted by a floundering and bigoted government whose days are now numbered.  They have managed to alienate their core working class support - a considerable achievement by any measure.  

Of course the UK is not the only country now experiencing civil unrest.  In several other EU nation states we see increasing evidence of the entirely understandable and escalating need for national interests to be protected in times of financial hardship and unemployment. 

As the depression worsens over the coming months, probably years, the consequences are likely to make an overwhelming case for the EU to discourage economic migration, both within the nation states and from other countries, and to promote the return of migrants to their home countries to help sort out the mess there. 

Given that the emerging depression will be seen by millions as a fight for survival and a war against economic disaster, is not self-preservation and therefore self-interest inevitable? 

Ashley Mote MEP

Independent, South-East England