March 28, 2009
New Articles
Don Quixote Lanced Marriage
Marriage is a failing institution. There are some basic factors driving this failure — judicial and societal — but the bottom line is indisputable: For the first time in US history, across all ethnic groups, the majority of women are unmarried and 40% of babies are born to unwed mothers....
by Marc Rudov
Marine Mammals Will Die in Navy Warfare Testing Program
The Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense have decided that their Northwest Training Range Complex, in the State of Washington, should be expanded, and have devised a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), dated December 2008, for public review and comment. The expansion of their area of operation will include the State of Washington, the State of Oregon, part of the state of Idaho, and Northern California. The final date for public comment is April 13, 2009.......
by Rosalind Peterson
Human Subjects Research Vulnerable to Unethical Manipulation
The Institutional Review Board system is vulnerable to unethical manipulation, which elevates the risk that experimental products are approved for human subject tests without full and appropriate review, according to an undercover investigation. The US government policy applies to all research involving human subjects conducted, supported or otherwise subject to regulation by any federal department or agency which takes appropriate administrative action to make the policy applicable to such research.......
by NWV News
Will American Kids Trade Baseball Caps For Mandatory White Helmets?
Though I have a tendency to write long articles, thick with commentary, the urgency of the information I want to share with you compels me to keep this direct and to the point. Along with the information you will be reading, I have included informative links. Please take the time to go to each of these links and verify the information I am sharing with you. It is important that you see the sites for yourself. There is much we all need to understand and share with other American citizens. First though, I remind you of.......
by CJ Graham
Saturday, 28 March 2009
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Britannia Radio