March 30, 2009
New Articles
Violent Gangs From All Over the World Infest American Cities
There have been a number of news reports in which administration officials have stated that some 230 cities inside the United States of America have become infested by members of the Mexican cartels! They are here now! They are not simply to be found along our nation's border but they are in cities from coast to coast and border to border! It is not just members of the drug cartels that we need to be concerned about but also members of violent gangs such as MS-13 and gangs of virtually every ethnic group from the Russian mob to members of Asian gangs. They are here!.......
by former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Signs of the Times: Being Led Astray, Part 4
Each New Year holds promise for change and renewal. Anticipating the future has captured the curiosity of folks throughout the ages. Accordingly, Christ’s disciples gathered at the Mount of Olives to ask their Lord what lies ahead. In response, Jesus warned of teaching “precepts of men” that war against sound Bible truth.......
by Debra Rae
What to Do When Doctor Tells You Your Triglycerides are Too High
There are a lot of things to be grateful for in life. A great career, family, a good friend or two, a nice house, a slick car and vacations are usually at the top. But gleaming far above any one of these is great health. This fact hit Stan hard when his doctor told him his triglycerides were too high. With high triglycerides, Stan risks obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix that doesn’t require a pharmacy........
by Shane Ellison, M, Sc
Twin Crises: Immigration and Hospital Infrastructure
Every year, an estimated 400,000 to as high as 450,000 pregnant illegal alien women cross America’s borders. Some arrive legally with visas. They rush to the nearest hospital where they birth their ‘jackpot baby’ or more popularly known as an ‘anchor baby’. Once inside the hospital or ER, they receive unlimited ‘free’ care via U.S. taxpayers.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 30 March 2009
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Britannia Radio