Yes We Can MEANS No We Can't
Listen to what Obama and the social science WORld ManagerS are really saying. Understand that their “WE” does not include you or me. To them, we are the dullards who will not be allowed to make personal decisions for ourselves or for our children. Please explain this to your friends and family, and to every elected official you know who still has eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind that is not so dull, it cannot understand........
by Erica Carle
Tomorrow's Wheat
Can you eat the yet un-harvested corn? Can we store-up tomorrow’s wheat? Can we enjoy the comfort of a chair still growing in the forest? Can we hold in our arms the yet unborn? These things belong in the future and they are beyond our reach. To obtain things from the future would be a violation of the time and space continuum or just mendacious tricks. We are led to believe we have spent our posterity’s wealth even though that wealth is unattainably in the future. The debt they claim owed is for wealth and labor beyond all present economic activity. Any reasonable mind can see that.......
by Paul Cappadona
Ann Coulter Wrong on Illegitimacy Rates
We must consider welfare reform an incomplete but necessary work in progress. The unstable state of welfare reform provides compelling reasons to complete what we set out to accomplish in 1996. Republican inactivity on social policy is a major reason why Republicans have been losing elections in droves since 1996. Illegitimacy immediately translates into votes for liberal politicians and a bigger welfare state........
by David Usher
Monday, 2 March 2009
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Britannia Radio