THE PARADIGM SHIFT WE ARE EXPERIENCING. 1. Three aspects of a nation state and its position Geo Politically and therefore PART OF THE CONTIBUTORY FACTORS AS TO WHY ARE: a Economic 2. Today we deal with Economic and see how it fits into the structure above. THERE ARE 4-5 CONSTITUENTS OF THE FINANCIAL TSUNAMI WE ARE ALREADY IN: 1 a) Oil Production and Processing- shortfall and lack of refineries coming on stream (takes 5-15 years) b) The Possibility of a Mid East Conflagration with Iran. 2 a) Currency Devaluations world wide. Printing Fiat Currency. b) The Sub Prime Mortgage Market is only the tip of Iceberg. 3 The Competition, Geo Politically, between the Developed World and the Developing 4 The Developing World in part will soon be non exporters of certain raw materials 5 The Clash between the RAMBOS (economists... you and the pound in your pocket) and the BAMBIS (or 6 The coming on stream of the retirement of Baby Boomers of the 60's and thus: All the above are exponentially (time wise that is) coming together, within the window of 2008-2009-2010. IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME WHEN THOSE THAT SURVIVE COME THROUGH - AND SO WE HAVE A PARADIGM SHIFT to: HIGH ENERGY PRICES FOR THE NEXT 10-15 YEARS, until new capacities and/or sources come on stream. Above is a complete summary of what WE ARE ALL FACING. THE DISCUSSION WILL BE A REFERENCE GUIDE TO ALL AS TO WHAT WE ARE IN AND WHAT WILL BE NEEDED TO SURVIVE BY WAY OF: A religious philosophy. To unite groups into co-ops for assisting the aged, the infirm, the bankrupts, with health, with food supply and support. MY VIEW
Harold Hoffman interviewed by Tamar Yonah, Israel National Radio.
PARADIGM SHIFT: the Financial Tsunami WE ARE IN NOW...
recorded june july 2008
why The Power Elite are moving us towards a Nation State Destruction.
b Political/Legal-Judiciary
c Religious
CENTRAL BANKS AND GOVERNMENTS being totally responsible in creating inflation together.
Yet to reveal, the Hedge Fund and Dervative Losses.
World for resources (Food, Water, Energy, Raw Materials).
due to increases in Middle Class demand. Internally (eg: Iran and Mexico will soon have to reduce
export of oil due to increase demand internally and lack of refining capacities).
BAMBOS). The Radical Ecologists, the latter of whom, are attempting to stop the creation and supply of
Fossil Fuels and Energy eg Oil, Coal, Nucleur Energy in the Developed World
The Governments haven't the money to supply the costs of Social Welfare and Health...
Some say, up to 2012 - and as they all merge... you have a TOXIC PIE.
Monday, 13 April 2009
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Britannia Radio