Wednesday, 8 April 2009

8 April 2009

Another Written Question Rejected

The following letter was send last week to the president of the European Commission, with a copy to the president of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pottering
Dear Mr Barroso
Once again a member of staff of the European Parliament's president has decided that a written question directed at you "contains language which may be considered as offensive".
Leaving aside the poor English grammar and vagueness of such a statement, and the fact that it took Mr Pottering's department from 3rd December last year until the 18th March this year to advise me, it is impossible to believe that you are such a tender plant that you need to be protected from accountability to the British people whom I represent.
So here is my question by mail.  Perhaps you might find time to respond in due course?
UK and the Eurozone
On what grounds did the President of the Commission claim that opinion in the UK was moving towards joining the eurozone?
Is the Commission not aware that the contrary is closer to reality?
Is the Commission also not aware that the rumoured source of this claim, the former Commissioner for International Trade, is one of the most discredited politicians in the UK and his original appointment to the Commission was made simple to get him out of Britain? Do the Commission not yet realise that comments on future of British government policy from such a source are greeted in the UK by ridicule?
Is the Commission not aware that any suggestion of the UK joining the eurozone, especially in its current parlous state, from the British government or anyone else would create uproar in the UK?
For the record, it would also demolish any remaining faint hopes of Mr Brown's administration surviving the next election.
(question ends)
Obviously events have somewhat overtaken the original thrust, but your comments would be welcome.
Ashley Mote
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