Friday, 3 April 2009

August 25, 2008

The Real Michelle Obama: 'Mistress Of Gloom & Doom' (Updated)

Topics: Political News and commentaries

This is definitely NOT the made-up (for the campaign and especially the convention) rosy side of Michelle Obama that we'll see portrayed from the stage in Denver today - but it is in fact who she is (from Sequence Inc.'sFraud Files blog post of July 19):

Michelle Obama has never been proud of her country until recently. Someone has always been keeping her down. Someone always kept raising the bar. Life is harder than ever for everyone. America is just plain mean!

What happened to the fact that America provided an opportunity for Michelle and Barack to become rich? They both struggled financially, but are now wealthy. Shouldn't that be proof that people can succeed here? Not in Michelle's book. She's a disgrace to the country.

Update: Apparently, if you've not been drinking the Obamanaut Kool-Aid, CNN political analyst Roland Martin thinks you're crazy: 'Crazy Folks on the Right' Distort Michelle Obama

However, how can one be criticized for pointing out Michelle Obama's and Barack Obama's own words and close associations? For example:

Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide
If Michelle Obama Isn't Racist, What Is She?