Saturday, 11 April 2009

ay Evening Press/Blog Coverage of "Smeargate"

Iain Dale 7:59 PM


Sunday Telegraph - Melissa Kite report 
Sunday Telegraph - Iain Dale on blogging
Sunday Telegraph: Matthew D'Ancona: McBride shows Labour is nearing the end
The Observer - Gaby Hinsliff: Questions for Watson


John Redwood - McBride & the power of the blogs
Sadie's Tavern - It's all the Tories' fault (very funny post, actually)
Hopi Sen - It reeks of hypocrisy
Bagehot - Damian II
Sunder Katwala - We don't need a Red Guido
Matthew D'Ancona - The poison remains
Chris Paul - Draper's position is now vulnerable
Mars Hill - Draper must be ousted
LabourHome - Draper: Please go

I'll be updating this throughout the evening...