The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee yesterday voted to leave interest rates on hold at 0.5pc and reaffirmed its commitment to spend £75bn of newly created money on bonds. The announcement caused gilt prices to rally as traders dismissed previous fears that the Bank's commitment towards quantitative easing would fall short of the original pledge of £75bn. Significantly, the Bank also accelerated the pace at which it is buying the bonds, announcing that in the coming weeks the maximum size of reverse auction for government bonds would be £3bn rather than £2.5bn. Market insiders said the move was designed to underline the scale of the Bank's determination to follow through the radical monetary policy and bring long-term gilt yields down. The Bank's decision to keep rates unchanged was the first time since the financial crisis hit new heights last September. In a statement, it said: "The committee... voted to continue with the programme, announced on March 5, of asset purchases totalling £75bn financed by the issuance of central bank reserves. The committee noted that since its previous meeting a total of just over £26bn of asset purchases had been made and that it would take a further two months to complete that programme." Two weeks ago the Bank's Governor, Mervyn King, suggested that the Bank may pause the programme if necessary and may not spend £75bn. It contributed to the first failure of a government bond auction since 1995 as confused traders fled the market. Yesterday's actions appear to have been designed explicitly to quell such fears. "It is still early days for quantitative easing, and the MPC rightly opted to complete the programme of purchases before taking stock of what impact it is having on the economy," said Colin Ellis, European economist at Daiwa Securities. "This confirms that Governor King's recent remarks... were not meant as a steer to the markets." Some anticipated that with the pound having fallen so sharply, the UK may face a sharp increase in inflation, but further deflationary signals emerged as producer prices increased last month at the slowest annual pace in 20 months. Factory gate inflation was up 2pc on the year. And in a sign that the pound's weakness may at last be boosting manufacturers' fortunes, the goods trade deficit narrowed by half a billion pounds to £7.3bn in February, in spite of the global trade collapse.Bank of England speeds up quantitative easing
The Bank of England is speeding up the pace of quantitative easing – accelerating the rate at which it is buying gilts in a sign that it may buy more than £75bn worth of government debt.
Friday, 10 April 2009
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Britannia Radio