BBC 1 Andrew Marr Show 19.4.09
Osborne not bound by public sector pension deals
George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor
Mr Osborne said an incoming Tory government would not be bound by
Labour's deals on public sector pensions.
He said the main focus of his economic policy would be on spending
restraint, although he could not rule out tax increases and he
confirmed he would keep Labour's planned 45p tax rate but look to
avoid rises in National Insurance.
On the email smears which targetted his wife, he said Mr Brown had
not apologised to his wife but it was the "culture in Downing Street"
which needed to change and revelations that party boss, Ray Collins,
had attended meetings on a web site proved the affair went "well
beyond Damian McBride".
"The bulk of the strain of dealing with this hole in the budget must
be on spending restraint. While I have not ruled out tax rises, if I
was Chancellor, I would be looking at spending restraint. There will
have to be a very serious period of spending restraint We will have
to take hard decisions which will not necessarily be popular," he said.
He would ensure public sector pay: "reflects the prevailing economic
conditions," he said, adding: "I am not bound by any deal Labour has
done with the public sector unions on pensions. But I will do it in a
way that is fair. I am not out to slash and burn the public sector."
He refused to name particular government programmes that would be
cut, saying: "We are looking at the entirety of government spending."
But he added: "These will be Labour cuts, it is the Labour party that
has been in power 12 years."
He said Labour's 45p tax rate would be kept but added: "I would love
to avoid the NI rise. That is where I am focussing my effort, on that
rather than the 45p rate."
Mandelson - Admitting that rising public debt was a problem he said
"We are going for growth. That is the best strategy- indeed the only
strategy- if we are to avoid greater costs and greater borrowing."
BBC 'World this Weekend' Radio 4
. . . Conservative warnings over rising public debt were misguided.
"Of course these numbers are serious but the reason these debt
figures are going up is to get us through the recession as quickly as
possible. . . . mounting public indebtedness would not be as costly
to future generations as the recession itself." Sky News
Ken Clarke - "This is the gravest economic and political crisis I
have encountered in my career . . . "this grossly indebted Labour
government must not give in to pressure for more spending. "They must
not set out fresh packages of gimmicky things to borrow and spend our
way of recovery or let short term politics take precedence over the
long term health of the economy. They must behave responsibly. Sky News
George Osborne - "We should not be overtaxed because Labour has
overspent." -The Sunday Times
Alex Salmond - warns Labour it will suffer at polls if public
spending is slashed - Observer [That's Scotland sorted then -cs]
Sunday, 19 April 2009
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Britannia Radio