There's been an interesting story recently which might tell us much about the BBC's editorial bias. I was reminded of it by this article by William Rees Mogg in the The Times. According to him, senior judge Lord Hoffman, who has spoken out against the Strasbourg law court the European Court of Human Rights, "has supported the shift to judicial liberalism that followed the passage of the Human Rights Act 1998" Who attacks a European institution. Well, interestingly, the BBC immediately reported Hoffman's attack- they may have even broken the story to the wider public - but they made special points of saying where he might be acting from a sense of personal injury, "In 1989 Lord Hoffmann had a decision of his overturned", or untrustworthy, Hoffman "had contributed to a decision that the former Chilean leader could be arrested and extradited for crimes against humanity, without emphasising his links to human rights group Amnesty International." Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Sunday, April 05, 2009 Labels: open thread Comments: 58 (unread) - Biased BBC Home ed thomas # It was interesting listening to BBC world service reflections on the G20 summit. The analysis focussed almost totally on the mood music- no mention was made of actual outcomes, as for instance the UK press has focused on. It was left to commentators to discuss that in a debate section. How about utterly predictable, without political cost, and mainly for the cameras? In other words, no room was given for a genuinely critical perspective The presenter continued: 10 more years, I tell you! Icing on the cake was the little ad for the BBC's economic coverage which followed the broadcast, beginning with Brown's gutteral "no time for a novice" soundbyte from one of the Great Leader's top hits. Labels: save gordon Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Monday, April 06, 2009
ed thomas #Legal purposes crossed
ed thomas #
Monday, 6 April 2009
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Britannia Radio